Paramount ME Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Below are frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the Paramount ME. Click on a question to view the answer.


General Questions


What is the Paramount ME Robotic Telescope System?


What is the price of the Paramount ME?


Why did the price of the Paramount ME increase?


What is the payload capacity of the Paramount ME?


Can the Paramount ME be disassembled into two or more components?


Does Software Bisque sell piers?


How does the Paramount ME attach to my pier?


How does my optical tube assembly (OTA) attach to the Paramount ME?


Is the Paramount ME designed to be portable?


How do I perform polar alignment with the Paramount ME?


My power supply is 240 volts.  Will I need a special transformer to run the Paramount ME?


How much does a permanent pier cost for the Paramount ME? 


Does the Paramount ME operate in the Southern Hemisphere?


Does the Paramount ME have clutches?


Since the Paramount ME has no clutches, how can the mount's payload be balanced?


How does the Paramount ME "handle" situations such as slewing into stationary objects?


What software comes with the Paramount ME?



Pointing-Specific Questions

How accurately can the Paramount ME point my telescope?


What is RMS pointing mean?


How does the Paramount ME achieve such good pointing, over the entire sky?


Can the Paramount ME be automatically restarted? That is, does it remember its position information from session to session, or if power is lost?


Tracking-Specific Questions


What is the magnitude of the Paramount ME’s periodic error before periodic error correction (PEC)?


What is the magnitude of the Paramount ME’s periodic error after periodic error correction?


Does the Paramount ME have permanent periodic error correction?


What is ProTrack™?


Maintenance-Specific Questions


What should be used to lubricate the worm and gears?


Purchase/Delivery-Specific Questions


I've decided to purchase the Paramount ME from Software Bisque.  How should I proceed?


If I order a Paramount ME today, when can I expect to receive it?


Will Software Bisque accept orders for and deliver the Paramount ME outside the USA?


What is the shipping weight of the Paramount ME?


What is the cost to ship the Paramount ME to my address?


Pier-Specific Questions


What height pier do I need for my observatory?


How can I minimize pier-related oscillations in my telescope system?

Operating-Specific Questions


Is the variable-pitched sound emitted by the Paramount ME normal?