Purchasing a Paramount ME

If you are ready to place your order for a Paramount ME from Software Bisque* please do the following:


Step 1

See the Paramount ME Base Plate document for details about mounting the Paramount ME to an existing or new pier.


Step 2

If the Paramount ME will be housed inside a dome or other structure, see Computing Pier Height.


Step 3

Contact Software Bisque to place your order. This can be done through the Software Bisque Store, or by contacting Software Bisque directly. Contact details are at the bottom of most Software Bisque web pages.


Software Bisque requires a non-refundable security deposit of $3,500.00 at the time the order is placed. The balance is due when the mount is ready to be shipped from Software Bisque.



*This procedure applies to Paramount ME orders placed with Software Bisque only. If you wish to purchase the Paramount ME from a dealer, contact the dealer directly for their ordering procedure.


See the Frequently Asked Questions page for answers to commonly asked questions about ordering, delivery times, shipping, etc.


We sincerely thank you for choosing the Paramount ME! Software Bisque really appreciates your patronage.