What is ProTrack™?

ProTrack™ is software technology that is integrated with TPoint for Windows and TheSkyX Professional Edition's TPoint Add On.  Based on the TPoint model, TheSky issues very small (1/3 arcsecond) corrections to the telescope's position to improve unguided tracking accuracy.  ProTrack compensates for tracking errors from tube flexure, refraction, gear errors and more.


ProTrack gives amateur astronomers the ability to take long unguided exposures (up to 20 minutes at 100-inches of focal length) and still have pinpoint stars.  Unguided exposures of this length, with pinpoint stars, are simply not possible without this type of software and hardware integration.


The same tracking enhancement technology found in ProTrack is used to improve tracking on many of the world's largest telescopes, such as the 8-meter Gemini telescopes.


Important Note


ProTrack is an exclusive feature for Paramount ME and Paramount MX mounts.


Details for setting up and using ProTrack with your Paramount ME can be found in the Paramount ME User's Guide.


Sample Unguided Image Using ProTrack with a Paramount ME Mount


Photo courtesy Michael Rice, New Mexico Skies. (1.56 arcseconds per pixel, taken under dark skies with exceptional seeing)*




*Results may vary.