Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- a -
- abort()
: MountDriverInterface
, RotatorDriverInterface
, X2Mount
, X2Rotator
- abortFilterWheelMoveTo()
: FilterWheelDriverInterface
, FilterWheelMoveToInterface
, X2FilterWheel
- abortTimeout()
: SerXInterface
- addRefraction()
: TheSkyXFacadeForDriversInterface
- allowDiagonalMoves()
: OpenLoopMoveInterface
- AltAz
: MountTypeInterface
- amountCountFocGoto()
: FocuserDriverInterface
, FocuserGotoInterface2
, X2Focuser
- amountIndexFocGoto()
: FocuserDriverInterface
, FocuserGotoInterface2
, X2Focuser
- amountNameFromIndexFocGoto()
: FocuserDriverInterface
, FocuserGotoInterface2
, X2Focuser
- Asymmetrical_Equatorial
: MountTypeInterface
- Axis
: MountDriverInterface