X2 Standard  Version 1.25
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TheSkyXFacadeForDriversInterface Class Referenceabstract

The TheSkyXFacadeForDriversInterface is a simplified interface to TheSkyX passed to X2 implementors. More...

#include <theskyxfacadefordriversinterface.h>

Public Types

enum  Command { CURRENT_TARGET =100, GET_X2UI =101, UNGET_X2UI =102 }

Public Member Functions

virtual void version (char *pszOut, const int &nOutMaxSize) const =0
virtual int build () const =0
virtual double latitude () const =0
virtual double longitude () const =0
virtual double timeZone () const =0
virtual double elevation () const =0
virtual double julianDate () const =0
virtual double lst () const =0
virtual double hourAngle (const double &dRAIn) const =0
virtual int localDateTime (int &yy, int &mm, int &dd, int &h, int &min, double &sec, int &nIsDST) const =0
virtual int utInISO8601 (char *pszOut, const int &nOutMaxSize) const =0
virtual int localDateTime (char *pszOut, const int &nOutMaxSize) const =0
virtual int removeRefraction (double &dRa, double &dDec) const =0
virtual int addRefraction (double &dRa, double &dDec) const =0
virtual int EqNowToJ2K (double &dRa, double &dDec) const =0
virtual int EqToHz (const double &dRa, const double &dDec, double &dAz, double &dAlt) const =0
virtual int HzToEq (const double &dAz, const double &dAlt, double &dRa, double &dDec) const =0
virtual void pathToWriteConfigFilesTo (char *pszOut, const int &nOutMaxSize) const =0
virtual int doCommand (const int &command, void *pIn, void *pOut) const =0

Detailed Description

The TheSkyXFacadeForDriversInterface is a simplified interface to TheSkyX passed to X2 implementors.

The TheSkyXFacadeForDriversInterface provides X2 implementors a way to get sometimes necessary information back from TheSkyX. Tested and works on Windows, Mac, Ubuntu Linux.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ Command

Software Bisque only.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addRefraction()

virtual int TheSkyXFacadeForDriversInterface::addRefraction ( double &  dRa,
double &  dDec 
) const
pure virtual

Add in the effects of atmospheric refraction for the given topocentric, equatorial coordinates.

◆ build()

virtual int TheSkyXFacadeForDriversInterface::build ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns the build number of TheSkyX. With every committed change to TheSkyX the build is incremented by one. Optional interfaces may perodically be added to TheSky and when they are the build number is provided in the respective documentation. If your driver requires an optional interface that is only available after a given build, you can use the build() to react by either requiring a certian minimum build or gracefully degrading functionality.

◆ doCommand()

virtual int TheSkyXFacadeForDriversInterface::doCommand ( const int &  command,
void *  pIn,
void *  pOut 
) const
pure virtual

Software Bisque only.

◆ elevation()

virtual double TheSkyXFacadeForDriversInterface::elevation ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns the TheSkyX's elevation.

◆ EqNowToJ2K()

virtual int TheSkyXFacadeForDriversInterface::EqNowToJ2K ( double &  dRa,
double &  dDec 
) const
pure virtual

Convert a topocentric coordinate to equinox 2000.

◆ EqToHz()

virtual int TheSkyXFacadeForDriversInterface::EqToHz ( const double &  dRa,
const double &  dDec,
double &  dAz,
double &  dAlt 
) const
pure virtual

Convert a equatorial coordinate to horizon based coordinate.

◆ hourAngle()

virtual double TheSkyXFacadeForDriversInterface::hourAngle ( const double &  dRAIn) const
pure virtual

Returns the TheSkyX's hour angle.

◆ HzToEq()

virtual int TheSkyXFacadeForDriversInterface::HzToEq ( const double &  dAz,
const double &  dAlt,
double &  dRa,
double &  dDec 
) const
pure virtual

Convert a horizon based coordinate to equatorial coordinate.

◆ julianDate()

virtual double TheSkyXFacadeForDriversInterface::julianDate ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns the TheSkyX's julian date.

◆ latitude()

virtual double TheSkyXFacadeForDriversInterface::latitude ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns the TheSkyX's latitude.

◆ localDateTime() [1/2]

virtual int TheSkyXFacadeForDriversInterface::localDateTime ( char *  pszOut,
const int &  nOutMaxSize 
) const
pure virtual

Returns the TheSkyX's local time as a string.

◆ localDateTime() [2/2]

virtual int TheSkyXFacadeForDriversInterface::localDateTime ( int &  yy,
int &  mm,
int &  dd,
int &  h,
int &  min,
double &  sec,
int &  nIsDST 
) const
pure virtual

Returns the TheSkyX's local time.

◆ longitude()

virtual double TheSkyXFacadeForDriversInterface::longitude ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns the TheSkyX's longitude.

◆ lst()

virtual double TheSkyXFacadeForDriversInterface::lst ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns the TheSkyX's local sidereal time (lst).

◆ pathToWriteConfigFilesTo()

virtual void TheSkyXFacadeForDriversInterface::pathToWriteConfigFilesTo ( char *  pszOut,
const int &  nOutMaxSize 
) const
pure virtual

Software Bisque only.

◆ removeRefraction()

virtual int TheSkyXFacadeForDriversInterface::removeRefraction ( double &  dRa,
double &  dDec 
) const
pure virtual

Remove the effects of atmospheric refraction for the given equatorial coordinates.

◆ timeZone()

virtual double TheSkyXFacadeForDriversInterface::timeZone ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns the TheSkyX's time zone.

◆ utInISO8601()

virtual int TheSkyXFacadeForDriversInterface::utInISO8601 ( char *  pszOut,
const int &  nOutMaxSize 
) const
pure virtual

Returns the TheSkyX's universal time in ISO8601 format.

◆ version()

virtual void TheSkyXFacadeForDriversInterface::version ( char *  pszOut,
const int &  nOutMaxSize 
) const
pure virtual

Returns the version of TheSkyX as a string.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
X2 Examples
(C) 2023 Software Bisque, Inc. All rights reserved.