X2 Standard  Version 1.25
Public Types | Public Member Functions | List of all members
SerXInterface Class Referenceabstract

The SerXInterface is a cross-plaform serial port. More...

#include <serxinterface.h>

Public Types

enum  Parity {

Public Member Functions

virtual int open (const char *pszPort, const unsigned long &dwBaudRate=9600, const Parity &parity=B_NOPARITY, const char *pszSession=0)=0
virtual int close ()=0
virtual bool isConnected (void) const =0
virtual int flushTx (void)=0
virtual int purgeTxRx (void)=0
virtual int waitForBytesRx (const int &nNumber, const int &nTimeOutMilli)=0
virtual int readFile (void *lpBuf, const unsigned long dwTot, unsigned long &dwRed, const unsigned long &dwTimeOut=1000)=0
virtual int writeFile (void *lpBuf, const unsigned long &dwTot, unsigned long &dwRote)=0
virtual int bytesWaitingRx (int &nBytesWaiting)=0
virtual void abortTimeout ()
virtual bool didAbortTimeout () const
virtual void setAbortTimeout (const bool &bYes)

Detailed Description

The SerXInterface is a cross-plaform serial port.

The SerXInterface represents a cross-platform serial port interface passed to X2 implementors. It provides X2 implementors an operating system agnostic way of using a serial port to hopefully make it easy to write X2 drivers for serial devices. Tested and works on Windows, Mac, Ubuntu Linux. Copyright (c) 2005 Software Bisque

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ Parity



No parity


Odd parity


Even parity


Mark parity


Space parity

Member Function Documentation

◆ abortTimeout()

virtual void SerXInterface::abortTimeout ( )

Software Bisque only. For operations that may time out (WaitForBytesRx and ReadFile) calling abortTimeout will cause these operations to quickly return ERR_ABORTEDPROCESS instead of having to wait for them to time out. Implementation of timeout operations intially set this flag to false so clients don't have that responsibility

◆ bytesWaitingRx()

virtual int SerXInterface::bytesWaitingRx ( int &  nBytesWaiting)
pure virtual

Returns the number bytes in the receive port.

◆ close()

virtual int SerXInterface::close ( )
pure virtual

Close the port.

◆ didAbortTimeout()

virtual bool SerXInterface::didAbortTimeout ( ) const

Software Bisque only.

◆ flushTx()

virtual int SerXInterface::flushTx ( void  )
pure virtual

Force the OS to push the transmit packet out the port in case the operating system buffer's writes.

◆ isConnected()

virtual bool SerXInterface::isConnected ( void  ) const
pure virtual

Returns non zero if the port is connected (open) or zero if not connected.

◆ open()

virtual int SerXInterface::open ( const char *  pszPort,
const unsigned long &  dwBaudRate = 9600,
const Parity parity = B_NOPARITY,
const char *  pszSession = 0 
pure virtual

Open the port.

pszPortis a string specifiing the name of the port to open.
dwBaudRateis optional baud rate that defaults to 9600.
parityis the optional parity that defaults to no parity.
pszSessioncan be used to set the data bits to something other than the default, 8 data bits. This is new to TheSkyX 10.1.11 (technically, build 4635 and later). For example, if pszSession = "-Databits 7", data bits will be set to 7 on the serial port. This argument can also be used to set the DTR, for example "-DTR_CONTROL 1" will cause DTR to be on.

◆ purgeTxRx()

virtual int SerXInterface::purgeTxRx ( void  )
pure virtual

Purge both send and receive queues.

◆ readFile()

virtual int SerXInterface::readFile ( void *  lpBuf,
const unsigned long  dwTot,
unsigned long &  dwRed,
const unsigned long &  dwTimeOut = 1000 
pure virtual

Read dwTot bytes from the receive port, or timeout.

lpBufpointer to the data.
dwTotthe total number of bytes to read.
dwRed(sic) the total number of bytes actually read.

◆ setAbortTimeout()

virtual void SerXInterface::setAbortTimeout ( const bool &  bYes)

Software Bisque only.

◆ waitForBytesRx()

virtual int SerXInterface::waitForBytesRx ( const int &  nNumber,
const int &  nTimeOutMilli 
pure virtual

Wait for nNumber of bytes to appear in the receive port or timeout.

nNumbernumber of bytes.
nTimeOutMillitimeout in to wait in milliseconds.

◆ writeFile()

virtual int SerXInterface::writeFile ( void *  lpBuf,
const unsigned long &  dwTot,
unsigned long &  dwRote 
pure virtual

Write dwTot bytes out the transmit port.

lpBufpointer to the data.
dwTotthe total number of bytes to write.
dwRote(sic) the total number of bytes actually written.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
X2 Examples
(C) 2023 Software Bisque, Inc. All rights reserved.