X2 Standard  Version 1.25
Public Types | Public Member Functions | List of all members
WeatherStationDataInterface Class Referenceabstract

The WeatherStationDataInterface gives x2 authors a means to write a TheSky weather station driver. More...

#include <weatherstationdatainterface.h>

Public Types

enum  x2CloudCond {
  x2CloudCond::cloudUnknown = 0, x2CloudCond::cloudClear = 1, x2CloudCond::cloudCloudy = 2, x2CloudCond::cloudVeryCloudy = 3,
  x2CloudCond::cloudDisabled = 4, x2CloudCond::cloudNoSensor = INT_MIN
 Cloud condition. More...
enum  x2WindCond {
  x2WindCond::windUnknown = 0, x2WindCond::windCalm = 1, x2WindCond::windWindy = 2, x2WindCond::windVeryWindy = 3,
  x2WindCond::windDisabled = 4, x2WindCond::windNoSensor = INT_MIN
 Wind condition. More...
enum  x2RainCond {
  x2RainCond::rainUnknown = 0, x2RainCond::rainDry = 1, x2RainCond::rainWet = 2, x2RainCond::rainRain = 3,
  x2RainCond::rainDisabled = 4, x2RainCond::rainNoSensor = INT_MIN
 Rain condition. More...
enum  x2DayCond {
  x2DayCond::dayUnknown = 0, x2DayCond::dayDark = 1, x2DayCond::dayLight = 2, x2DayCond::dayVeryLight = 3,
  x2DayCond::dayDisabled = 4, x2DayCond::dayNoSensor = INT_MIN
 Daylight condition. More...
enum  x2WindSpeedUnit { x2WindSpeedUnit::windSpeedKph = 0, x2WindSpeedUnit::windSpeedMph = 1, x2WindSpeedUnit::windSpeedMps = 2 }
 Windspeed units. More...

Public Member Functions

virtual bool temperatureIsInDegreesC ()
virtual WeatherStationDataInterface::x2WindSpeedUnit windSpeedUnit ()
virtual int weatherStationData (double &dSkyTemp, double &dAmbTemp, double &dSenT, double &dWind, int &nPercentHumdity, double &dDewPointTemp, int &nRainHeaterPercentPower, int &nRainFlag, int &nWetFlag, int &nSecondsSinceGoodData, double &dVBNow, double &dBarometricPressure, WeatherStationDataInterface::x2CloudCond &cloudCondition, WeatherStationDataInterface::x2WindCond &windCondition, WeatherStationDataInterface::x2RainCond &rainCondition, WeatherStationDataInterface::x2DayCond &daylightCondition, int &nRoofCloseThisCycle)=0

Detailed Description

The WeatherStationDataInterface gives x2 authors a means to write a TheSky weather station driver.

The primary purpose of this interface is to make it easy/simple for x2 implementors to get weather station data into TheSky. TheSky calls the weatherStationData() method at a regular interval to keep weather station information up-to-date. At minimum integration, a weather station driver can return one or say a few of the weatherStationData() parameters to have them displayed in TheSky weather station tab. At a maximum integration, this weather station information resolves to a go or no-go state which TheSky can be configured to integrate with an enclosure (dome/roof) and open or close it accordingly.

For a working example, see the x2weatherstation example.

Support for this interface requires TheSky build 13488 or later. Use TheSkyXFacadeForDriversInterface::build() to determine the build of TheSky in use an act accordingly based on your requirements.

Don't forget to respond accordingly in your queryAbstraction().

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ x2CloudCond

Cloud condition.


Cloud condition unknown.


Cloud condition clear.


Cloud condition cloudy.


Cloud condition very cloudy.


Cloud sensor disabled at TheSky level.


Hardware not equipped with a cloud sensor, graefully ignore/hidden.

◆ x2DayCond

Daylight condition.


Day condition unknown.


Day condition dark.


Day condition light.


Day condition very light.


Day sensor disabled at TheSky level.


Hardware not equipped with a day sensor, gracefully ignore/hidden.

◆ x2RainCond

Rain condition.


Rain condition unknown.


Rain condition dry.


Rain condition wet.


Rain condition raining.


Rain sensor disabled at TheSky level.


Hardware not equipped with a rain sensor, gracefully ignore/hidden.

◆ x2WindCond

Wind condition.


Wind condition unknown.


Wind condition calm.


Wind condition windy.


Wind condition very windy.


Wind sensor disabled at TheSky level.


Hardware not equipped with a wind sensor, gracefully ignore/hidden.

◆ x2WindSpeedUnit

Windspeed units.


Windspeed is kilometers/hour.


Windspeed is miles/hour.


Windspeed is meters/second.

Member Function Documentation

◆ temperatureIsInDegreesC()

virtual bool WeatherStationDataInterface::temperatureIsInDegreesC ( )

TheSky calls this method to query this driver to know the units of temperature returned. Note, TheSky always displays weather station temperature in degrees C.

Override and return false to have temperature units be degrees F.

◆ weatherStationData()

virtual int WeatherStationDataInterface::weatherStationData ( double &  dSkyTemp,
double &  dAmbTemp,
double &  dSenT,
double &  dWind,
int &  nPercentHumdity,
double &  dDewPointTemp,
int &  nRainHeaterPercentPower,
int &  nRainFlag,
int &  nWetFlag,
int &  nSecondsSinceGoodData,
double &  dVBNow,
double &  dBarometricPressure,
WeatherStationDataInterface::x2CloudCond cloudCondition,
WeatherStationDataInterface::x2WindCond windCondition,
WeatherStationDataInterface::x2RainCond rainCondition,
WeatherStationDataInterface::x2DayCond daylightCondition,
int &  nRoofCloseThisCycle 
pure virtual

TheSky calls this method to have the x2 driver return the most up to date weather information.

This data is typical from the Boltwood Cloud sensor but can easily be extended/used by other weather station hardware providing the same information.

Note all values are marked as [in] because they are initialized so that if left unchanged, TheSky deems the weather station as not being equipped with the corresonding sensor. IOW, x2 implementors should only alter values that your pariticular hardware is able to measure and return.

[in,out]dSkyTemp- sky ambient temperature in context of cloud sensing.
[in,out]dAmbTemp- ambient temperature.
[in,out]dSenT- sensor case temperature.
[in,out]dWind- wind speed.
[in,out]nPercentHumdity- relative humidity in %.
[in,out]dDewPointTemp- dew point temperature.
[in,out]nRainHeaterPercentPower- heater setting in %
[in,out]nRainFlag- rain flag, =0 for dry, =1 for rain in the last minute, =2 for rain right now
[in,out]nWetFlag- wet flag, =0 for dry, =1 for wet in the last minute, =2 for wet right now
[in,out]nSecondsSinceGoodData- seconds since the last valid data, only used for Boltwood
[in,out]dVBNow- date/time given as the VB6 Now() function result (in days) data last captured, only used for Boltwood
[in,out]dBarometricPressure- the barometric pressure in mB. This is the actual pressure, which is what the mount pointing calculations need, not a QNH figure.
[in,out]cloudCondition- see WeatherStationDataInterface::x2CloudCond
[in,out]windCondition- see WeatherStationDataInterface::x2WindCond
[in,out]rainCondition- see WeatherStationDataInterface::x2RainCond
[in,out]daylightCondition- see WeatherStationDataInterface::x2DayCond
[in,out]nRoofCloseThisCycle-Set to 1 if this weather station hardware has determined close conditions (no-go) or 0 if not (good-to-go). Leave unchanged to have TheSky's internal logic dictate go or no-go. TheSky determines go or no-go conditions by internal logic using nearly all values here, and possibly some values outside the context of weather data. For the case when a weather station implementation returns a subset of these weather parameters, the practical solution is for this weather station to dictate this parameter. Otherwise, the permutations of having go no-go logic to apply to all the possible number of subsets is too vast. A common subset of values for go/no-go might be supported in the future if this subset can be established.

◆ windSpeedUnit()

virtual WeatherStationDataInterface::x2WindSpeedUnit WeatherStationDataInterface::windSpeedUnit ( )

TheSky calls this method to query this driver to know the units of windspeed returned. Note, TheSky always displays weather station windspeed in meters/second.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
X2 Examples
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