X2 Standard  Version 1.25
Optional Interfaces


class  AddFITSKeyInterface
 The AddFITSKeyInterface allows camera drivers to add any number of additional FITS keys to the FITS header. More...
class  CameraDependentSettingInterface
 The CameraDependentSettingInterface allows camera drivers to supply one open-ended, additional argument to the standard CameraDriverInterface::CCStartExposure function. This offers camera drivers great flexibility in what the setting does along with the available options. More...
class  CircuitAccessInterface
 The CircuitAccessInterface allows power control drivers to provide TheSky a means to dictact access to a circuit, typically by a built in means of authentication. A locked circuit is still visible but its state cannot be changed. More...
class  CircuitLabelsInterface
 The CircuitLabelsInterface allows power control drivers to provide TheSky a text label assoicated with each circuit. More...
class  CircuitLockedInterface
 The CircuitLockedInterface allows power control drivers to provide TheSky a means to lock a circuit. A locked circuit is still visible but its state cannot be changed. More...
class  HardwareInfoInterface
 The HardwareInfoInterface provides X2 implementors a standarized way to provide hardware specific information. More...
class  DomeHasHighlyRelaibleOpenCloseSensors
 The DomeHasHighlyRelaibleOpenCloseSensors is an optional interface that indicates the dome that supports this interface has very reliable sensors for the critical open and close operations that can provide highly reliable, hardware feedback to indicate the dome is open or closed. In other words, the calls to dapiIsOpenComplete() dapiIsCloseComplete() expect to provide the actual, hardware state of open/close sensor at the time of the call, callable at any time, provided there is a link to the dome. More...
class  DriverInfoInterface
 The DriverInfoInterface provides X2 implementors a standarized way to provide driver specific information. More...
class  DriverSlewsToParkPositionInterface
 The DriverSlewsToParkPositionInterface prevents TheSky from slewing the mount to the park position when a Park command is issued so that the mount driver can take on this responsibility. More...
class  ExtendedCameraInterface
 This interface is deprecated. New development should instead use CameraDependentSettingInterface.
This interface was deprecated in TheSky build 11525. More...
class  FilterWheelMoveToInterface
 The FilterWheelMoveToInterface allows moving to a specific filter. More...
class  FocuserGotoInterface2
 The FocuserGotoInterface2 allows a focuser to perform a goto operation. More...
class  FocuserTemperatureInterface
 The FocuserTemperatureInterface allows focusers to report their current temperature. More...
class  GPSInterface
 The GPSInterface allows communcation with a GPS device. More...
class  HardwareModelOverrideInterface
 The HardwareModelOverrideInterface allows x2 drivers to provide a textual model name other than the 'Model' field found in the corresponding company specific 'hardwarelist.txt' file. More...
class  ModalSettingsDialogInterface
 The ModalSettingsDialogInterface allows X2 implementors to display a customized settings user interface. More...
class  AsymmetricalEquatorialInterface
 The AsymmetricalEquatorialInterface for equtorial mounts. More...
class  LinkFromUIThreadInterface
 The LinkFromUIThreadInterface allows X2 implementors to cause TheSkyX to call establishLink from the user interface thread. More...
class  NeedsRefractionInterface
 The NeedsRefractionInterface for mounts. More...
class  OpenLoopMoveInterface
 The OpenLoopMoveInterface allows a mount to move at a given rate for a open-ended amount of time. More...
class  PulseGuideInterface2
 The PulseGuideInterface2 allows X2 mount drivers to be an integral part of TheSky's autoguiding by moving the mount as commanded while autoguiding (without necessarily requiring camera relays and the associated cable to the mount). More...
class  SlewToInterface
 The SlewToInterface for mounts. More...
class  SymmetricalEquatorialInterface
 The SymmetricalEquatorialInterface for equtorial mounts. More...
class  SyncMountInterface
 The SyncMountInterface for mounts. More...
class  TrackingRatesInterface
 The TrackingRatesInterface allows X2 mounts to support variable tracking rates. More...
class  MultiConnectionDeviceInterface
 This optional interface, MultiConnectionDeviceInterface, provides X2 implementors a way to make x2 drivers that support the capacity to accept multiple connections simultaneously without error or conflict (such as multi-device hubs). More...
class  NoShutterInterface
 The NoShutterInterface allows camera drivers to report to TheSkyX if a camera does not have a shutter, primarily for use in the acquisition of dark frames. More...
class  ParkInterface
 The ParkInterface allows domes and mounts to be parked. More...
class  PixelSizeInterface
 The PixelSizeInterface allows camera drivers to provide the physical pixel size in microns. More...
class  PreExposureTaskInterface
 The PreExposureTaskInterface gives cameras a way to inform TheSkyX when executing CameraDriverInterface::CCStartExposure will take longer than dExposureDuration. More...
class  SerialPortParams2Interface
 The SerialPortParams2Interface is a cross-platform interface to common serial port parameters. More...
class  SetCircuitLabelsInterface
 The SetCircuitLabelsInterface allows power control drivers to provide TheSky a means to edit the text label assoicated with each circuit. More...
class  SubframeInterface
 The SubframeInterface allows camera drivers to enable subframe support. More...
class  UnparkInterface
 The UnparkInterface allows domes and mounts to be unparked. More...
class  WeatherStationDataInterface
 The WeatherStationDataInterface gives x2 authors a means to write a TheSky weather station driver. More...

Detailed Description

X2 Examples
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