X2 Standard  Version 1.25
Device Driver Tool Kit


class  BasicIniUtilInterface
 The BasicIniUtilInterface is used to make properties persistent. More...
class  BasicStringInterface
 The BasicStringInterface allows a string as an output. More...
class  DriverRootInterface
 The DriverRootInterface is the foundation for all X2 device drivers. More...
class  LinkInterface
 The LinkInterface allows connect and related device operations. More...
class  LoggerInterface
 The LoggerInterface is a cross-platform logging utility passed to X2 implementors to show real-time, driver logging information in TheSkyX.
class  MountTypeInterface
 The MountTypeInterface covers all possible mount types that X2 drivers can implement. More...
class  MutexInterface
 The MutexInterface provides a cross-platform mutex. More...
class  X2MutexLocker
 The X2MutexLocker provides a cross-platform utility to lock and unlock a MutexInterface. More...
class  SerXInterface
 The SerXInterface is a cross-plaform serial port. More...
class  SleeperInterface
 The SleeperInterface is a cross-platform "sleeper". More...
class  TheSkyXFacadeForDriversInterface
 The TheSkyXFacadeForDriversInterface is a simplified interface to TheSkyX passed to X2 implementors. More...
class  TickCountInterface
 The TickCountInterface is a cross-platform way to measure relative timing. More...

Detailed Description

X2 Examples
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