Enumerator |
sk6DocProp_Latitude | The latitude of the location.
sk6DocProp_Longitude | The longitude of the location.
sk6DocProp_Time_Zone | The time-zone of the star chart.
sk6DocProp_ElevationInMeters | The elevation of the location in meters.
sk6DocProp_DaylightSavingTimeIndex | The index of the daylight savings option - For a list of possible values see the Locations.txt file.
sk6DocProp_UseComputerClock | Zero if not using the computers clock non-zero otherwise.
sk6DocProp_StellarRecomputeInterval | A string indicating the stellar re-compute interval.
sk6DocProp_TimeSkipInterval | A string indicating the Time Skip interval.
sk6DocProp_PlanetRecomputeInterval | A string indicating the planetary recomputed interval.
sk6DocProp_JulianDateNow | The Julian date of star chart.
sk6DocProp_OrientationIndex | 0= Zenith Up 1=Pole Up 2=Free Rotation
sk6DocProp_PlotGSC | Set to a non-zero value to plot GSC stars.
sk6DocProp_PlotHipTyc | Set to a non-zero value to plot Hipparcos Typco stars.
sk6DocProp_PlotUCAC | Plot stars from the UCAC catalog.
sk6DocProp_PlotUSNOA | Plot stars from the USNO A catalog.
sk6DocProp_PlotUSNOSA | Plot stars from the USNO SA catalog.
sk6DocProp_PlotUSNOBFull | Plot stars from the 80 GB USNO catalog.
sk6DocProp_PlotUSNOBSubset | Plot stars from TheSky's USNO subset catalog.
sk6DocProp_labels_on | Not accessible.
sk6DocProp_ext_opts | Not accessible.
sk6DocProp_ext_opts_comet | Not accessible.
sk6DocProp_NorthEastIndicator | Show/hide the North/East Indicator.
sk6DocProp_Mirror | Turn on/off Mirror Image.
sk6DocProp_status_bar_opts | Not accessible.
sk6DocProp_nSpectralPercent | Specify the percentage (0-100) saturation for stars spectral color.
sk6DocProp_NightVisionStarsRed | Turn on/off red stars in Night Vision Mode.
sk6DocProp_nstell_gsc_opt | Show or hide non-stellar GSC objects.
sk6DocProp_ShowSpectralColors | Show or hide spectral color for stars.
sk6DocProp_ScreenPopulationIndex | Get/set the density (1-100) for stars.
sk6DocProp_ComputeProperMotion | Turn on/off proper motion calculations.
sk6DocProp_ProperMotionVectorLength | Specify the length of the proper motion vectors (in years).
sk6DocProp_TransparentMoon | Turn on/off displaying a transparent moon.
sk6DocProp_ShowEarthShadow | Show/hide the Earth's shadow.
sk6DocProp_common_labels | Show/hide common name labels.
sk6DocProp_3DSolarSystemView | Show/hide the 3D Solar System simulation.
sk6DocProp_LockedIndex | A zero-based index that determines the object to "pin" to the center of the screen.
sk6DocProp_ViewFromIndex | A zero-based index that determines the object to view from in the 3D Solar System simulation.
sk6DocProp_TrailTypeIndex | A number between 0 and 2 and indicates the type of Object Path 0=connected line 1=dots at each position 2=object symbol at each position.
sk6DocProp_StartEq | Not accessible.
sk6DocProp_StartHz | Not accessible.
sk6DocProp_StartFW | The value of TheSky6's field of view (or field width) when the application is launched.
sk6DocProp_OrthographicProjection | Display the Orthographic projection.
sk6DocProp_ShowRefractedHoizonToo | Show/hide the refracted horizon.
sk6DocProp_cMWType | Get/set the Milky Way type.
sk6DocProp_ShowConstellations | Show/hide constellation lines.
sk6DocProp_cShowHzPoleup | Show/hide the local horizon in Pole Up mode.
sk6DocProp_nNSTGradient | A number (0-100) for the gradient of the non-stellar object fill color.
sk6DocProp_GridSpacingIndex | A number between 0 and 2 and indicates the type of equatorial grid spacing 0=automatic - wide 1=automatic - narrow 2=user-defined spacing
sk6DocProp_RealModeHorizononDisplayTypeIndex | An index Specify the size of the equatorial grid spacing.
sk6DocProp_GridRAIncrement | Specify the size of the equatorial grid spacing in right ascension.
sk6DocProp_GridDecIncrement | Specify the size of the equatorial grid spacing in declination.
sk6DocProp_extended_labels | Not accessible.
sk6DocProp_m_page_opts | Not accessible.
sk6DocProp_SAOPrefix | Text that specifies the prefix for SAO catalog numbers.
sk6DocProp_NGCPrefix | Text that specifies the prefix for NGC catalog numbers.
sk6DocProp_ICPrefix | Text that specifies the prefix for IC catalog numbers.
sk6DocProp_UGCPrefix | Text that specifies the prefix for UGC catalog numbers.
sk6DocProp_CGCGPrefix | Text that specifies the prefix for CGCG catalog numbers.
sk6DocProp_GCVSPrefix | Text that specifies the prefix for GCVS catalog numbers.
sk6DocProp_ShowOverlappingCatalogs | Show/hide overlapping objects from different catalogs.
sk6DocProp_SkyDisplayPropertiesFileName | SDP file name.
sk6DocProp_ShowAtmosphericBackground | Show/hide horizon glow.
sk6DocProp_LocationDescription | Text that describes the current location.
sk6DocProp_UserRotateDegrees | Position angle of Virtual Sky.
sk6DocProp_RealModeHorizononFileName | File name of panoramic horizon image.
sk6DocProp_AltitudeLimitFileName | Name of altitude limit line file.
sk6DocProp_DecLimitFileName | Name of declination limit line file.
sk6DocProp_csLocationFileFileName | Name of file that contains the database of locations.
sk6DocProp_plot_nst | Show/hide non-stellar objects.
sk6DocProp_Recording | Recording time skips.
sk6DocProp_bUSNORawUseVersion1 | Use the native USNO 1 format.
sk6DocProp_bFillScreen | Show/hide Full Screen Mode.
sk6DocProp_bHollowDeepSky | Show outline for extended objects.
sk6DocProp_AuxData | Not accessible.
sk6DocProp_nWideFieldProj | Specify the projection at 50 degree and greater fields of view.
sk6DocProp_bSSOnly | Display solar system objects only (time skips).
sk6DocProp_SSOriginx | 3D Solar system x origin.
sk6DocProp_SSOriginy | 3D Solar system y origin.
sk6DocProp_SSOriginz | 3D Solar system z origin.
sk6DocProp_SSdRho | 3D Solar system viewing angle.
sk6DocProp_SSdTheta | 3D Solar system viewing angle.
sk6DocProp_SSdPhi | 3D Solar system viewing angle.
sk6DocProp_SSdDistanceAU | 3D Solar system viewing distance in au.
sk6DocProp_SSbLineToEcliptic | Show/hide lines from orbit to plane of the ecliptic.
sk6DocProp_SScsLockedName | Name of solar system object to lock on.
sk6DocProp_SScsViewFromName | Name of solar system object to view from.
sk6DocProp_StarPlotBrtCon | Not accessible.
sk6DocProp_RealModeHorizonIsVisible | Show/hide panoramic horizon.
sk6DocProp_RealModeHorizonRPercent | Percentage of red saturation in the panoramic horizon.
sk6DocProp_RealModeHorizonGPercent | Percentage of green saturation in the panoramic horizon.
sk6DocProp_RealModeHorizonBPercent | Percentage of blue saturation in the panoramic horizon.
sk6DocProp_RealModeHorizonSilhouette | Show/hide the outline of the panoramic horizon.
sk6DocProp_RealModeHorizonGlowIsVisible | Show/hide the horizon glow.
sk6DocProp_RealModeHorizonRGlowOffset | Percentage of red saturation in the horizon glow.
sk6DocProp_RealModeHorizonGGlowOffset | Percentage of green saturation in the horizon glow.
sk6DocProp_RealModeHorizonBGlowOffset | Percentage of blue saturation in the horizon glow.
sk6DocProp_RealModeHorizondGlowAltitudeTop | Altitude of the top of the panoramic horizon.
sk6DocProp_RealModeHorizondGlowAltitudeBottom | Altitude of the bottom of the panoramic horizon.
sk6DocProp_RealModeConstellationGroupVisible | Show/hide the constellation Image Group.
sk6DocProp_RealModeConstellationROffset | Percentage of red saturation in the constellation drawings.
sk6DocProp_RealModeConstellationGOffset | Percentage of green saturation in the constellation drawings.
sk6DocProp_RealModeConstellationBOffset | Percentage of blue saturation in the constellation drawings.
sk6DocProp_RealModeConstellationbOnlyNearCenter | Option to show/hide constellation drawings that fall near screen center only.
sk6DocProp_RealModeConstellationbBrightenNearCenter | Option to brighten the color of constellation drawings that fall near screen center only.
sk6DocProp_RealModeMilkyWayIsVisible | Show/hide the Milky Way image.
sk6DocProp_RealModeMilkyWayROffset | Percentage of red saturation in the Milky Way image.
sk6DocProp_RealModeMilkyWayGOffset | Percentage of green saturation in the Milky Way image.
sk6DocProp_RealModeMilkyWayBOffset | Percentage of blue saturation in the Milky Way image.
sk6DocProp_RealModeAtmosphereSunHaloVisible | Show/hide Sun's halo.
sk6DocProp_RealModeAtmosphereRSunHalo | Percentage of red saturation in the Sun's halo.
sk6DocProp_RealModeAtmosphereGSunHalo | Percentage of green saturation in the Sun's halo.
sk6DocProp_RealModeAtmosphereBSunHalo | Percentage of blue saturation in the Sun's halo.
sk6DocProp_RealModeAtmosphereSunHaloDegrees | Angular size of Sun's halo.
sk6DocProp_RealModeAtmosphereMoonHaloVisible | Show/hide Moons halo.
sk6DocProp_RealModeAtmosphereMoonHaloDegrees | Angular size of Moon's halo.
sk6DocProp_RealModeAtmosphereSunHzGlowVisible | Show/hide Sun's halo.
sk6DocProp_RealModeAtmosphereRSunHzGlow | Percentage of red saturation in the Sun's horizon glow.
sk6DocProp_RealModeAtmosphereGSunHzGlow | Percentage of green saturation in the Sun's horizon glow.
sk6DocProp_RealModeAtmosphereBSunHzGlow | Percentage of blue saturation in the Sun's horizon glow.
sk6DocProp_RealModeAtmospheredSunHzGlowDegrees | Angular size of the Sun's horizon glow.
sk6DocProp_RealModeAtmosphereCloudsVisible | Show/hide clouds (currently unsupported).
sk6DocProp_RealModeAtmosphereRCloud | Percentage of red saturation in the clouds' color (currently unsupported).
sk6DocProp_RealModeAtmosphereGCloud | Percentage of green saturation in the clouds' color (currently unsupported).
sk6DocProp_RealModeAtmosphereBCloud | Percentage of blue saturation in the clouds' color (currently unsupported).
sk6DocProp_RealModeAtmospherebBackgroundIsVisible | Show/hide the sky background color.
sk6DocProp_RealModeAtmospherenBackgroundR | Percentage of red saturation in the sky background color.
sk6DocProp_RealModeAtmospherenBackgroundG | Percentage of green saturation in the sky background color.
sk6DocProp_RealModeAtmospherenBackgroundB | Percentage of blue saturation in the sky background color.
sk6DocProp_InPlaceImages | Show Digitized Sky Survey images for non-stellar objects.
sk6DocProp_ClipInPlace | Clip Digitized Sky Survey images to the size of the extended object.
sk6DocProp_InPlaceBorders | Draw a border around in-place images.
sk6DocProp_DefaultFrameSize | Set/get the default size of the image frame for objects that do not have a size.
sk6DocProp_ExtendLabels | Show/hide extended labels.
sk6DocProp_CatalogActive | Not accessible.
sk6DocProp_SmoothedStars | Show/hide gradient stars.
sk6DocProp_bUseHalos | Show/hide halo around bright stars.
sk6DocProp_nSatAdjust | Star saturation adjustment - Get/set a number between 0-100.
sk6DocProp_dBrtAdjust | Star brightness adjustment - Get/set a number between 0-100.
sk6DocProp_dConAdjust | Star contrast adjustment - Get/set a number between 0-100.
sk6DocProp_dNarrowBrt | Narrow field star brightness adjustment - Get/set a number between -10-10.
sk6DocProp_dNarrowCon | Narrow field star contrast adjustment - Get/set a number between -10-10.
sk6DocProp_bDrawPMVectors | Show/hide proper motion vectors.
sk6DocProp_bHorizonInPoleUp | Show/hide horizon in Pole Up mode.
sk6DocProp_MosaicParms | Not accessible.
sk6DocProp_bUserDataVisible | Show/hide user-defined data.
sk6DocProp_bConstlDrawings | Show/hide constellation drawings.
sk6DocProp_dFocusScale | The focuser speed 0=slow 1=fast.
sk6DocProp_bOutline | Show/hide the outline for non-stellar objects.
sk6DocProp_bLabel | Show/hide common name labels.
sk6DocProp_bGrid | Show/hide the equatorial grid lines.
sk6DocProp_bClemHigh | Show high-resolution Clementine images in Moon Viewer.
sk6DocProp_nMaskOpacity | Specify the FOVI opacity (0-100)for telescope masks.
sk6DocProp_LayerInfo | Specify the bitmap layer number for exported star chart.
sk6DocProp_nLayerResX | Set/get the x-axis resolution for exported star charts.
sk6DocProp_nLayerResY | Set/get the y-axis resolution for exported star charts.
sk6DocProp_bResReset | Set the default screen resolution for the exported star chart.
sk6DocProp_csLayerPrefix | Get/Set the prefix text for the exported star chart file names.
sk6DocProp_bDrawPaths | Draw object paths.
sk6DocProp_nTimeCnt | Get/set the value of the number of time skip increments for an object path.
sk6DocProp_dTimeIncr | Get/set the value of the time skip increment.