The defined constants for the Sk6ObjectInformationProperty.
Enumerator |
sk6ObjInfoProp_NAME1 | The name of this object.
sk6ObjInfoProp_NAME2 | An alias name of this object.
sk6ObjInfoProp_NAME3 | An alias name of this object.
sk6ObjInfoProp_NAME4 | An alias name of this object.
sk6ObjInfoProp_NAME5 | An alias name of this object.
sk6ObjInfoProp_NAME6 | An alias name of this object.
sk6ObjInfoProp_NAME7 | An alias name of this object.
sk6ObjInfoProp_NAME8 | An alias name of this object.
sk6ObjInfoProp_NAME9 | An alias name of this object.
sk6ObjInfoProp_NAME10 | An alias name of this object.
sk6ObjInfoProp_CATALOGID | The catalog ID for this object - Example for NGC2227, this is a string "NGC2227".
sk6ObjInfoProp_ALL_INFO | A string representing all the applicable information for this object.
sk6ObjInfoProp_CO_NAME | The object type string for this object (see the SkDisplayPropertyObjectType argument of the DisplayProperty method for the StarChart Object to see a complete list of object types).
sk6ObjInfoProp_RISE_SET_INFO | The rise, transit and set information for this object.
sk6ObjInfoProp_STAR_SPECTRAL | Spectral color of star.
sk6ObjInfoProp_STAR_BAYER_FLAMSTEED | Bayer/Flamsteed designation for stars.
sk6ObjInfoProp_SATELLITE_NAME | Satellite name.
sk6ObjInfoProp_SATELLITE_TLE1 | First line of Two Line Elements (TLE) for satellite.
sk6ObjInfoProp_SATELLITE_TLE2 | Second line of Two Line Elements (TLE) for satellite.
sk6ObjInfoProp_SOURCE_CATALOG | The source catalog for this object.
sk6ObjInfoProp_DB_FIELD_0 | Sky Database field 0.
sk6ObjInfoProp_DB_FIELD_1 | Sky Database field 1.
sk6ObjInfoProp_DB_FIELD_2 | Sky Database field 2.
sk6ObjInfoProp_DB_FIELD_3 | Sky Database field 3.
sk6ObjInfoProp_DB_FIELD_4 | Sky Database field 4.
sk6ObjInfoProp_DB_FIELD_5 | Sky Database field 5.
sk6ObjInfoProp_DB_FIELD_6 | Sky Database field 6.
sk6ObjInfoProp_DB_FIELD_7 | Sky Database field 7.
sk6ObjInfoProp_DB_FIELD_8 | Sky Database field 8.
sk6ObjInfoProp_DB_FIELD_9 | Sky Database field 9.
sk6ObjInfoProp_DB_FIELD_10 | Sky Database field 10.
sk6ObjInfoProp_DB_FIELD_11 | Sky Database field 11.
sk6ObjInfoProp_DB_FIELD_12 | Sky Database field 12.
sk6ObjInfoProp_DB_FIELD_13 | Sky Database field 13.
sk6ObjInfoProp_DB_FIELD_14 | Sky Database field 14.
sk6ObjInfoProp_DB_FIELD_15 | Sky Database field 15.
sk6ObjInfoProp_TEXT_LINE | Text description of an object.
sk6ObjInfoProp_DATE | The date for this information.
sk6ObjInfoProp_TIME | The time for this information.
sk6ObjInfoProp_OBSERVING_NOTES | Observing notes associated with this object.
sk6ObjInfoProp_CATID | The catalog ID for this object - Example for NGC2227, this is an integer whose value is 2227.
sk6ObjInfoProp_OBJECTTYPE | The object type integer for this object (see the SkDisplayPropertyObjectType argument of the DisplayProperty method for the StarChart Object to see a complete list of object types)
sk6ObjInfoProp_STAR_ID | Catalog identifier for star.
sk6ObjInfoProp_STAR_GSC_BLOCK | Guide Star Catalog block number for star.
sk6ObjInfoProp_STAR_GSC_NUM | Guide Star Catalog number for star.
sk6ObjInfoProp_INDEX | Catalog index number.
sk6ObjInfoProp_NGC_IC_NEG_ID | NGC/IC identifier.
sk6ObjInfoProp_SKIP_INDEX | Zero based index for object in an object path.
sk6ObjInfoProp_NST_FIELD_CNT | Non-stellar field count.
sk6ObjInfoProp_PERINFO_TEXTPOSN | Position of object information text.
sk6ObjInfoProp_ACTIVE | True if the object is visible, False if not.
sk6ObjInfoProp_SATELLITE_ECLIPSED | True if the satellite is eclipsed by the earth.
sk6ObjInfoProp_SATELLITE_IS_EXT | True if the satellite is extended.
sk6ObjInfoProp_CATALOG | Catalog name of the object.
sk6ObjInfoProp_RA_NOW | The right ascension for the current epoch of this object.
sk6ObjInfoProp_DEC_NOW | The declination for the current epoch of this object.
sk6ObjInfoProp_RA_2000 | The right ascension for epoch 2000 of this object.
sk6ObjInfoProp_DEC_2000 | The declination for epoch 2000 of this object.
sk6ObjInfoProp_AZM | The azimuth of this object.
sk6ObjInfoProp_ALT | The altitude of this object.
sk6ObjInfoProp_MAJ_AXIS_MINS | The size of this object in arcminutes given as the major axis of an ellipse.
sk6ObjInfoProp_MIN_AXIS_MINS | The size of this object in arcminutes given as the minor axis of an ellipse.
sk6ObjInfoProp_EARTH_DIST_KM | The distance to the object from earth in kilometers.
sk6ObjInfoProp_SUN_DIST_AU | The distance to the object from the Sun in astronomical units (AU).
sk6ObjInfoProp_PA | Position angle of the object.
sk6ObjInfoProp_MAG | The magnitude of the object.
sk6ObjInfoProp_PHASE_PERC | The percent phase of the object.
sk6ObjInfoProp_RISE_TIME | The rise time of the object.
sk6ObjInfoProp_TRANSIT_TIME | The transit time of the object.
sk6ObjInfoProp_SET_TIME | The set time of the object.
sk6ObjInfoProp_HA_HOURS | The hour angle of the object.
sk6ObjInfoProp_AIR_MASS | The air-mass associated with the object.
sk6ObjInfoProp_STAR_MAGB | For stars, the B magnitude.
sk6ObjInfoProp_STAR_MAGV | For stars, the V magnitude.
sk6ObjInfoProp_STAR_MAGR | For stars, the R magnitude.
sk6ObjInfoProp_SCREEN_X | The screen x of this object.
sk6ObjInfoProp_SCREEN_Y | The screen y of this object.
sk6ObjInfoProp_RA_RATE_ASPERSEC | For moving objects, the right ascension rate in arcseconds per second.
sk6ObjInfoProp_DEC_RATE_ASPERSEC | For moving objects, the declination rate in arcseconds per second.
sk6ObjInfoProp_ALT_RATE_ASPERSEC | The altitude rate of the object in arcseconds per second.
sk6ObjInfoProp_AZIM_RATE_ASPERSEC | The azimuth rate of the object in arcseconds per second.
sk6ObjInfoProp_AZIM_RISE_DEGS | The azimuth at rise time in degrees.
sk6ObjInfoProp_AZIM_SET_DEGS | The azimuth at set time in degrees.
sk6ObjInfoProp_MPL_ACTIVE | For a minor planet, non zero if it is active, zero if not active.
sk6ObjInfoProp_MPL_EPOCH_M | Month of the epoch (minor planet).
sk6ObjInfoProp_MPL_EPOCH_D | Day of the epoch (minor planet).
sk6ObjInfoProp_MPL_EPOCH_Y | Year of the epoch (minor planet).
sk6ObjInfoProp_MPL_MA | Mean Anomaly (minor planet).
sk6ObjInfoProp_MPL_ECCENT | Eccentricity (minor planet).
sk6ObjInfoProp_MPL_SEMIMAJOR | Semi-major axis (minor planet).
sk6ObjInfoProp_MPL_INCLIN | Inclination (minor planet).
sk6ObjInfoProp_MPL_LAN | Longitude of the ascending node (minor planet).
sk6ObjInfoProp_MPL_LONG_PERI | Longitude of perihelion (minor planet).
sk6ObjInfoProp_MPL_ECLIP | Ecliptic epoch (minor planet).
sk6ObjInfoProp_MPL_MAGPARM1 | Absolute magnitude (g) (minor planet).
sk6ObjInfoProp_MPL_MAGPARM2 | Magnitude constant (k) (minor planet).
sk6ObjInfoProp_COMET_PERIH_M | Month of the epoch (comet).
sk6ObjInfoProp_COMET_PERIH_D | Day of the epoch (comet).
sk6ObjInfoProp_COMET_PERIH_Y | Year of the epoch (comet).
sk6ObjInfoProp_COMET_ECCENT | Eccentricity (comet).
sk6ObjInfoProp_COMET_PERIDIST | Perihelion distance (comet).
sk6ObjInfoProp_COMET_INCLIN | Orbital inclination (comet).
sk6ObjInfoProp_COMET_LAN | Longitude of the ascending node (comet).
sk6ObjInfoProp_COMET_LONG_PERI | Longitude of perihelion (comet).
sk6ObjInfoProp_COMET_ECLIP | Ecliptic epoch (comet).
sk6ObjInfoProp_COMET_MAGPARM1 | Absolute magnitude (g) (comet).
sk6ObjInfoProp_COMET_MAGPARM2 | Magnitude constant (k) (comet).
sk6ObjInfoProp_PLANET_SHELIO_L | Planet's heliocentric distance "L".
sk6ObjInfoProp_PLANET_SHELIO_B | Planet's heliocentric distance "B".
sk6ObjInfoProp_PLANET_SHELIO_R | Planet's heliocentric distance "R".
sk6ObjInfoProp_PLANET_SGEO_L | Planet's geometric distance "L".
sk6ObjInfoProp_PLANET_SGEO_B | Planet's geometric distance "B".
sk6ObjInfoProp_PLANET_SGEO_R | Planet's geometric distance "R".
sk6ObjInfoProp_PLANET_SGEOMEAN_L | Planet's mean geometric distance "L".
sk6ObjInfoProp_PLANET_SGEOMEAN_B | Planet's mean geometric distance "B".
sk6ObjInfoProp_PLANET_SGEOMEAN_R | Planet's mean geometric distance "R".
sk6ObjInfoProp_PLANET_TRUE_RA | Planet's true right ascension.
sk6ObjInfoProp_PLANET_TRUE_DEC | Planet's true declination.
sk6ObjInfoProp_PLANET_ALTWREFRACT | Planet's altitude with refraction.
sk6ObjInfoProp_PLANET_APPMAG | Planet's apparent magnitude.
sk6ObjInfoProp_PLANET_APPANGDIAM | Planet's apparent angular diameter.
sk6ObjInfoProp_MOON_TRUE_ECLIP_L | Moon's true ecliptic "L".
sk6ObjInfoProp_MOON_TRUE_ECLIP_B | Moon's true ecliptic "B".
sk6ObjInfoProp_MOON_TRUE_ECLIP_R | Moon's true ecliptic "R".
sk6ObjInfoProp_MOON_PARALLAX | Moon's parallax.
sk6ObjInfoProp_MOON_ANGDIAM | Angular diameter of the Moon.
sk6ObjInfoProp_MOON_DIST_KM | Distance to the Moon, in kilometers.
sk6ObjInfoProp_MOON_TRUE_EQ_RA | Moon's true equatorial right ascension.
sk6ObjInfoProp_MOON_TRUE_EQ_DEC | Moon's true equatorial declination.
sk6ObjInfoProp_MOON_TOPO_ANG_DIAM | Moon's topographic angular diameter.
sk6ObjInfoProp_MOON_ALT_WREFRACT | Moon's altitude, with refraction.
sk6ObjInfoProp_MOON_TOTAL_LIBR_L | Total libration "l" of the Moon.
sk6ObjInfoProp_MOON_TOTAL_LIBR_B | Total libration "b" of the Moon.
sk6ObjInfoProp_MOON_OPTICAL_LIBR_L | Optical libration "l" of the Moon.
sk6ObjInfoProp_MOON_OPTICAL_LIBR_B | Optical libration "b" of the Moon.
sk6ObjInfoProp_MOON_PHYS_LIBR_L | Physical libration "l" of the Moon.
sk6ObjInfoProp_MOON_PHYS_LIBR_B | Physical libration "b" of the Moon.
sk6ObjInfoProp_MOON_POS_ANGLE | Position angle of the Moon's limb.
sk6ObjInfoProp_MOON_PHASE_ANGLE | Phase angle of the Moon's limb.
sk6ObjInfoProp_MOON_PABL | Moon's PABL ???.
sk6ObjInfoProp_SUN_POS_ANGLE | Sun's position angle.
sk6ObjInfoProp_SUN_HELIO_LONG | Sun's heliocentric longitude.
sk6ObjInfoProp_SUN_HELIO_LAT | Sun's heliocentric latitude.
sk6ObjInfoProp_DECL_SUN | Declination of the Sun.
sk6ObjInfoProp_DECL_EARTH | Declination of the Eath's equator.
sk6ObjInfoProp_POLAR_DIAM | Polar diameter, in km, of the Earth.
sk6ObjInfoProp_LCM_I | LCM_I.
sk6ObjInfoProp_LCM_II | LCM_II.
sk6ObjInfoProp_MARS_DEFECT_ILLUM | Mars' defect of illumination.
sk6ObjInfoProp_JUPITER_CRCT_PHASE | Jupiter's phase angle.
sk6ObjInfoProp_SATURN_ARING_AXIS | Saturn's A-ring axis.
sk6ObjInfoProp_SATURN_BRING_AXIS | Saturn's B-ring axis.
sk6ObjInfoProp_SAT_JD | Julian day (satellite).
sk6ObjInfoProp_SAT_LAT | Latitude (satellite).
sk6ObjInfoProp_SAT_LON | Longitude (satellite).
sk6ObjInfoProp_SAT_EARTH_ALT | Altitude from Earth, in kilometers (satellite).
sk6ObjInfoProp_SAT_RANGE | Range, in meters (satellite).
sk6ObjInfoProp_SAT_RANGE_RATE | Range rate (satellite).
sk6ObjInfoProp_SAT_DEPTH_EC | Depth.
sk6ObjInfoProp_STAR_PARALLAX | Parallax (arcseconds).
sk6ObjInfoProp_STAR_PM_RA | Proper motion in right ascension (arcseconds).
sk6ObjInfoProp_STAR_PM_DEC | Proper motion in declination (arcseconds).
sk6ObjInfoProp_STAR_POS_ERR_RA | Position error due in right ascension.
sk6ObjInfoProp_STAR_POS_ERR_DEC | Position error due in declination.
sk6ObjInfoProp_STAR_POS_ERR_PRLX | Position error due to parallax.
sk6ObjInfoProp_STAR_PM_POS_ERR_RA | Proper motion position error in right ascension.
sk6ObjInfoProp_STAR_PM_POS_ERR_DEC | Proper motion position error in declination.
sk6ObjInfoProp_TWIL_CIVIL_START | Civil twilight start.
sk6ObjInfoProp_TWIL_CIVIL_END | Civil twilight end.
sk6ObjInfoProp_TWIL_NAUT_START | Nautical twilight start.
sk6ObjInfoProp_TWIL_NAUT_END | Nautical twilight end.
sk6ObjInfoProp_TWIL_ASTRON_START | Astronomical twilight start.
sk6ObjInfoProp_TWIL_ASTRON_END | Astronomical twilight end.
sk6ObjInfoProp_SIDEREAL | Sidereal time.
sk6ObjInfoProp_JUL_DATE | Julian date.
sk6ObjInfoProp_CLICK_DIST | The distance of the object from the mouse cursor, in pixels.
sk6ObjInfoProp_POINT3D_X | The x-axis position of the object.
sk6ObjInfoProp_POINT3D_Y | The y-axis position of the object.
sk6ObjInfoProp_POINT3D_Z | The z-axis position of the object.
sk6ObjInfoProp_FRAME_SIZE_MINS | Size of the image frame, in arcminutes.
sk6ObjInfoProp_SUN_DIST_LY | Distance to the Sun in light years.
sk6ObjInfoProp_DIST_PARSEC | Distance to the object in parsecs.
sk6ObjInfoProp_SCALE_ASPIX | Scale of the Image Link image, in arcseconds per pixel.
sk6ObjInfoProp_HEIGHT | Height of the extended object, in arcminutes.
sk6ObjInfoProp_WIDTH | Width of the extended object, in arcminutes.
sk6ObjInfoProp_UMBRA_RAD | Radius of the umbra (Earth's shadow).
sk6ObjInfoProp_PENUMBRA_RAD | Radius of the penumbra (Earth's shadow).
sk6ObjInfoProp_ANG_SEP_PRIOR | Angular separation from the previously identified object.
sk6ObjInfoProp_PA_PRIOR | Position angle from the previously identified object.
sk6ObjInfoProp_COUNT | Max sk6ObjInfoProp.