X2 Standard  Version 1.25
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X2GUIExchangeInterface Class Referenceabstract

The X2GUIExchangeInterface provides the X2 developer the means to get and set data from a graphical user interface (X2GUIInterface) More...

#include <x2guiinterface.h>

Public Member Functions

virtual void setText (const char *pszObjectName, const char *pszValue)=0
virtual void text (const char *pszObjectName, char *pszOut, const int &nOutMaxSize)=0
virtual void setEnabled (const char *pszObjectName, const bool &bEnabled)=0
virtual bool isEnabled (const char *pszObjectName)=0
virtual void setCurrentIndex (const char *pszObjectName, const int &nValue)=0
virtual int currentIndex (const char *pszObjectName)=0
virtual void setChecked (const char *pszObjectName, const int &nValue)=0
virtual int isChecked (const char *pszObjectName)=0
virtual void comboBoxAppendString (const char *pszControlName, const char *pszValue)=0
virtual void tableWidgetSetItem (const char *pszControlName, const int &nRow, const int &nCol, const char *pszValue)=0
virtual void tableWidgetGetItem (const char *pszControlName, const int &nRow, const int &nCol, char *pszValue, const int &nOutMaxSize)=0
virtual void tableWidgetCurrentRow (const char *pszControlName, int &nRow)=0
virtual void tableWidgetCurrentCol (const char *pszControlName, int &nCol)=0
virtual void tableWidgetRemoveRow (const char *pszControlName, const int &nRow)=0
virtual void tableWidgetRemoveCol (const char *pszControlName, const int &nCol)=0
virtual void messageBox (const char *pszTitle, const char *pszMessage)=0
virtual bool invokeMethod (const char *pszObjectName, const char *pszMethodName, char *pszReturn=NULL, const int &nReturnMaxSize=0, const char *pszArg1=NULL)=0
virtual void setPropertyString (const char *pszObjectName, const char *pszPropertyName, const char *pszValue)=0
virtual void propertyString (const char *pszObjectName, const char *pszPropertyName, char *pszOut, const int &nOutMaxSize)=0
virtual void setPropertyInt (const char *pszObjectName, const char *pszPropertyName, const int &nValue)=0
virtual void propertyInt (const char *pszObjectName, const char *pszPropertyName, int &nValue)=0
virtual void setPropertyDouble (const char *pszObjectName, const char *pszPropertyName, const double &dValue)=0
virtual void propertyDouble (const char *pszObjectName, const char *pszPropertyName, double &dValue)=0

Detailed Description

The X2GUIExchangeInterface provides the X2 developer the means to get and set data from a graphical user interface (X2GUIInterface)

The X2GUIInterface returns this interface so X2 developer can set/get data from a X2GUIInterface.

Member Function Documentation

◆ comboBoxAppendString()

virtual void X2GUIExchangeInterface::comboBoxAppendString ( const char *  pszControlName,
const char *  pszValue 
pure virtual

Append a string to a combo box list.

◆ currentIndex()

virtual int X2GUIExchangeInterface::currentIndex ( const char *  pszObjectName)
pure virtual

Get the current index on list type user interface controls, like a combo box.

◆ invokeMethod()

virtual bool X2GUIExchangeInterface::invokeMethod ( const char *  pszObjectName,
const char *  pszMethodName,
char *  pszReturn = NULL,
const int &  nReturnMaxSize = 0,
const char *  pszArg1 = NULL 
pure virtual

Call an arbitrary method (signal or slot, not properties) with no argument or one argument (double, int or string)

◆ isChecked()

virtual int X2GUIExchangeInterface::isChecked ( const char *  pszObjectName)
pure virtual

Get if a user interface controls is checked, like a radio button.

◆ isEnabled()

virtual bool X2GUIExchangeInterface::isEnabled ( const char *  pszObjectName)
pure virtual

See if the user interface control is enabled

◆ messageBox()

virtual void X2GUIExchangeInterface::messageBox ( const char *  pszTitle,
const char *  pszMessage 
pure virtual

Display a message box.

◆ propertyDouble()

virtual void X2GUIExchangeInterface::propertyDouble ( const char *  pszObjectName,
const char *  pszPropertyName,
double &  dValue 
pure virtual

Get an double property of a user inteface control.

◆ propertyInt()

virtual void X2GUIExchangeInterface::propertyInt ( const char *  pszObjectName,
const char *  pszPropertyName,
int &  nValue 
pure virtual

Get an integer property of a user inteface control.

◆ propertyString()

virtual void X2GUIExchangeInterface::propertyString ( const char *  pszObjectName,
const char *  pszPropertyName,
char *  pszOut,
const int &  nOutMaxSize 
pure virtual

Get a text property of a user inteface control.

◆ setChecked()

virtual void X2GUIExchangeInterface::setChecked ( const char *  pszObjectName,
const int &  nValue 
pure virtual

Check a user interface controls, like a radio button.

◆ setCurrentIndex()

virtual void X2GUIExchangeInterface::setCurrentIndex ( const char *  pszObjectName,
const int &  nValue 
pure virtual

Set the current index on list type user interface controls, like a combo box.

◆ setEnabled()

virtual void X2GUIExchangeInterface::setEnabled ( const char *  pszObjectName,
const bool &  bEnabled 
pure virtual

Enable the user interface control

◆ setPropertyDouble()

virtual void X2GUIExchangeInterface::setPropertyDouble ( const char *  pszObjectName,
const char *  pszPropertyName,
const double &  dValue 
pure virtual

Set an double property of a user inteface control.

◆ setPropertyInt()

virtual void X2GUIExchangeInterface::setPropertyInt ( const char *  pszObjectName,
const char *  pszPropertyName,
const int &  nValue 
pure virtual

Set an integer property of a user inteface control.

◆ setPropertyString()

virtual void X2GUIExchangeInterface::setPropertyString ( const char *  pszObjectName,
const char *  pszPropertyName,
const char *  pszValue 
pure virtual

Set a text property of a user inteface control.

◆ setText()

virtual void X2GUIExchangeInterface::setText ( const char *  pszObjectName,
const char *  pszValue 
pure virtual

Call this to set text user interface control values

◆ tableWidgetCurrentCol()

virtual void X2GUIExchangeInterface::tableWidgetCurrentCol ( const char *  pszControlName,
int &  nCol 
pure virtual

Get the current column of a table widget.

◆ tableWidgetCurrentRow()

virtual void X2GUIExchangeInterface::tableWidgetCurrentRow ( const char *  pszControlName,
int &  nRow 
pure virtual

Get the current row of a table widget.

◆ tableWidgetGetItem()

virtual void X2GUIExchangeInterface::tableWidgetGetItem ( const char *  pszControlName,
const int &  nRow,
const int &  nCol,
char *  pszValue,
const int &  nOutMaxSize 
pure virtual

Get the text of a table widget.

◆ tableWidgetRemoveCol()

virtual void X2GUIExchangeInterface::tableWidgetRemoveCol ( const char *  pszControlName,
const int &  nCol 
pure virtual

Remove a column of a table widget.

◆ tableWidgetRemoveRow()

virtual void X2GUIExchangeInterface::tableWidgetRemoveRow ( const char *  pszControlName,
const int &  nRow 
pure virtual

Remove a row of a table widge.t

◆ tableWidgetSetItem()

virtual void X2GUIExchangeInterface::tableWidgetSetItem ( const char *  pszControlName,
const int &  nRow,
const int &  nCol,
const char *  pszValue 
pure virtual

Set the text of a table widget.

◆ text()

virtual void X2GUIExchangeInterface::text ( const char *  pszObjectName,
char *  pszOut,
const int &  nOutMaxSize 
pure virtual

Retreive the text values from user interface controls

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
X2 Examples
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