void | ConvertStringToRA (QString strRA) |
| Converts a string that contains right ascension to a double value and places the result into the dOut0() property.
void | ConvertStringToDec (QString strDec) |
| Converts a string that contains declination to a double value and places the result into the dOut0() property.
void | ConvertEquatorialToString (double RA1, double Dec1, int SigFigs) |
| Converts equatorial coordinates given by the double right ascension (RA) and declination (Dec) parameters to a string formatted by the SkUtilsSexagesimalSigFigs argument. More...
void | ConvertHorizonToString (double Az, double Alt, int SigFigs) |
| Converts horizon-based coordinates given by the azimuth altitude values to a string formatted by the SkUtilsSexagesimalSigFigs argument. More...
void | ConvertRADecToAzAlt (double ra, double dec) |
| Converts equatorial coordinates (right ascension/declination or RA/Dec) to horizon-based coordinates (azimuth/altitude or Az/Alt). More...
void | ConvertAzAltToRADec (double az, double alt) |
| Converts horizon-based coordinates (azimuth/altitude or Az/Alt) to equatorial coordinates (right ascension/declination or RA/Dec). More...
void | ConvertJulianDateToCalender (double JulianDay) |
| Converts a Julian date to a Gregorian calendar date (year, month, day, hour, minute and second). More...
void | ConvertCalenderToJulianDate (int Year, int Month, int Day, int Hour, int Minute, double Second) |
| Converts a Gregorian calendar date (year, month, day, hour, minute and second) to a Julian date. More...
void | ConvertDMSToAngle (int Degrees, int Minutes, double Seconds) |
| Converts degrees, minutes, seconds to an angle. More...
void | ConvertAngleToDMS (double Angle) |
| Converts an angle to degrees, minutes, seconds. More...
void | ConvertSexagesimalToString (double Value, int Format, int SigFigs) |
| Converts a "sexagesimal" formatted number (that is, a number that contains hours, minutes and seconds, or degrees, minutes, seconds) to a string. More...
void | ComputePositionAngle (double RA1, double Dec1, double RA2, double Dec2) |
| Computes the position angle (the angle measured counterclockwise from true North) between two equatorial coordinates. More...
void | ComputeAngularSeparation (double RA1, double Dec1, double RA2, double Dec2) |
| Computes the angular separation between two equatorial coordinates. More...
void | ComputeHourAngle (double Ra) |
| Computes the hour angle (a number between 0 and 12, measured East to West) for a right ascension coordinate. More...
void | ComputeAirMass (double Alt) |
| Computes the air mass at a given altitude. More...
void | ComputeLocalSiderealTime () |
| Computes the local sidereal time from TheSky's location and time settings. More...
void | ComputeUniversalTime () |
| Computes the universal time (UT) from TheSky's location and time settings. More...
void | ComputeJulianDate () |
| Computes the Julian date (JD) from TheSky's location and time settings. More...
void | ComputeRefraction (double Alt) |
| Computes the refraction (in seconds) at a given altitude. More...
void | ComputeRiseTransitSetTimes (double RA, double Dec) |
| Computes the rise, transit, and set times for the specified equatorial coordinate (right ascension and declination). More...
void | PrecessNowTo2000 (double RA, double Dec) |
| Precess coordinates for the current Epoch to Epoch 2000.0. More...
void | Precess2000ToNow (double RA, double Dec) |
| Precess coordinates for Epoch 2000 to the current Epoch. More...
The sky6Utils object.
The Utils object gives access to commonly used astronomy related routines and conversions. The routines include the ability to compute the position angle and angular separation between to objects, the hour angle, air-mass, refraction and rise transit set times of an object, the local sidereal time, universal time, Julian date of TheSky as well as the ability to precess coordinates to and from epoch 2000.
The conversions include the ability to convert a string to a double and vise versa for both equatorial coordinates (right ascension/declination) and horizon coordinates (azimuth/altitude), the ability to convert between equatorial and horizon coordinates and vise versa, convert a calendar day (year, month, day, hour, minute, second) to a Julian date and vise-versa as well as the ability to format most any "sexagesimal" to a string with a wide variety of formats.