Script TheSky  Version 1.32
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sky6RASCOMTele Class Reference

The sky6RASCOMTele object. More...

Inheritance diagram for sky6RASCOMTele:

Public Slots

void Abort ()
 Use this method to abort (stop) any telescope operation currently in progress for example a slew.
void CommutateMotors ()
 Performs a commutation of the control system's motors (Paramount GT-1100 only). More...
void Connect ()
 Establishes communication between this telescope object and the TheSky.
void DoCommand (int lParam, QString qsParam)
 Use this method to send ASCII commands to the telescope, and receive ASCII responses from the telescope. More...
void Disconnect ()
 Terminates the connection between this telescope object (RASCOMTele) and the TheSky. More...
void FindHome ()
 Locates the telescope's home position.
void FocusInFast ()
 Turns the motorized focuser clockwise using the fastest focusing rate.
void FocusInSlow ()
 Turns the motorized focuser clockwise using the slowest focusing rate.
void FocusOutFast ()
 Turns the motorized focuser counterclockwise using the highest focusing rate.
void FocusOutSlow ()
 Turns the motorized focuser counterclockwise using the lowest focusing rate.
void GetAzAlt ()
 Gets the azimuth and altitude coordinates of the telescope. More...
void GetRaDec ()
 Gets the equatorial (right ascension and declination) coordinates of the telescope. More...
void Jog (double dJogAmtInMins, QString lpszDirection)
 Slews the telescope a fixed angular distance, or "jogs" the telescope in a specific direction. More...
void Park ()
 Slews the telescope to its park position, parks the telescope and because of requirements of a third party application established in TheSky, terminates communications between the telescope and TheSky. More...
void SetParkPosition ()
 Sets the park position for the telescope. More...
void SetTracking (int lOn, int lIgnoreRates, double dRaRate, double dDecRate)
 Sets the telescope's tracking rate in the right ascension and declination axis for those devices that are capable. More...
void SlewToAzAlt (double dAz, double dAlt, QString lpszObjectName)
 Slews the telescope to the specified azimuth and altitude coordinates. More...
void SlewToRaDec (double dRa, double dDec, QString lpszObjectName)
 Slews the telescope to the specified right ascension and declination coordinates. More...
void Sync (double dRa, double dDec, QString lpszObjectName)
 Synchronizes the telescope's control system at the given right ascension and declination coordinates. More...
void ParkAndDoNotDisconnect ()
 This method is a competitor to Park() and slews the telescope to its park position and parks the telescope but does not terminate connection to the mount as Park() does. More...
void Unpark ()
 Unparks the telescope. More...
bool IsParked ()
 Returns non zero if the mount is parked or zero if the mount is not parked. More...
void ConnectAndDoNotUnpark ()
 This method is a competitor to Connect(). More...


int Asynchronous
 The property holds if the sky6RASCOMTele object is operating synchronously or asynchronously. More...
double dAlt
 A double value that is the current altitude (in decimal degrees) of the telescope. More...
double dAz
 A double value that is the current azimuth (in decimal degrees) of the telescope. More...
double dDec
 A double value that is the declination of the telescope. More...
double dDecTrackingRate
 Returns the tracking rate of the telescope for the declination axis. More...
double dRa
 Returns the right ascension of the telescope. More...
double dRaTrackingRate
 Returns the tracking rate of the telescope for the right ascension axis. More...
double LastSlewError
 Returns the error code of the last telescope slew. More...
int IsConnected
 Returns non-zero if the connection to the telescope exists or zero if there is no connection. More...
int IsInLimit
 Returns a value that determines if the telescope is within a telescope limit region. More...
int IsSlewComplete
 Returns a value that determines if the telescope slew is complete (non-zero) or if the telescope is slewing (zero). More...
int IsTracking
 Returns a value that determines if the telescope tracking is currently on. More...
QString DoCommandOutput
 This property holds the result of calling the DoCommand() method. More...

Detailed Description

The sky6RASCOMTele object.

The sky6RASCOMTele Object allows scripted control of most any computerized "go to" mount compatible with TheSky.

Member Function Documentation

◆ CommutateMotors

void sky6RASCOMTele::CommutateMotors ( )

Performs a commutation of the control system's motors (Paramount GT-1100 only).

This command is specific to the SBIG TCE-1 control system. This control system must go through a one-time 'initialization' called commutation.

◆ ConnectAndDoNotUnpark

void sky6RASCOMTele::ConnectAndDoNotUnpark ( )

This method is a competitor to Connect().

This method may only be needed if ParkAndDoNotDisconnect() is used instead of Park(). It establishes a connection to the telescope without automatically unparking as Connect() does.
This allows the flexibility of connecting without changing the state of park. Some mounts like the Paramount automatically unpark upon disconnect avoiding park state conflicts with finding home. This method is not part of the TheSky6 standard and was added in TheSky build 9231 (see

See also
ParkAndDoNotDisconnect Unpark IsParked

◆ Disconnect

void sky6RASCOMTele::Disconnect ( )

Terminates the connection between this telescope object (RASCOMTele) and the TheSky.

Note that this command does not terminate the telescope link in TheSky so that muliple clients can continue to use the telescope. If you must actually terminate TheSky's link to the telescope, do that manually or by sky6RASCOMTheSky::DisconnectTelescope(), noting the multiple client warning.

◆ DoCommand

void sky6RASCOMTele::DoCommand ( int  lParam,
QString  qsParam 

Use this method to send ASCII commands to the telescope, and receive ASCII responses from the telescope.

This command is useful, for example, to send commands to a serial communication based telescope that are not included in the RASCOMTele object.

lParamThis parameter is used to perform different operations, depending upon the value of lParam (see) below.
qsParamis the string to be sent

The result of calling this method is stored in the DoCommandOutput() property.

lParam values:

0 Locks the serial port. This operation is performed first so that other processes cannot access the port.

1 Purges the serial port's transmit buffer. This ensures that only the correct characters are sent to the telescope.

2 Purges the serial port's receive buffer. This ensures that only the correct number of characters (response) is received from the telescope.

3 Sends the ASCII command out the serial port.

4 Get the number of bytes that are available to read from the serial port.

5 Reads a string of ASCII text from the serial port.

6 Unlocks the serial port so that other processes can access it.

9 Start an open loop move (see where the qsParam is pipe separated string indicating a direction number and device dependent, zero based rate index number. For direction, North = 0, South = 1, East = 2, West = 3.
Here are two examples, to move North at the 2nd open loop move rate, set qsParam="0|1", to move West at the first open loop move rate set qsParam="3|0".

10 Ends the open loop move.

11 Returns 1 if a mount is beyond the pole otherwise 0 (see

12 Get/set the All Sky option "Use AllSky Image Link for scripted Image Link"

13 Get/set the All Sky option "Use AllSky Image Link for automated pointing runs"

14 Do not use

15 Returns the architecture of the CPU that TheSky is currently running on, in text format. The return value depends on what the OS will report and may not detect the actual CPU architecture if the OS hides that information.

    Typical returned values (not exhaustive)
    - "arm"
    - "arm64"
    - "i386"
    - "ia64"
    - "mips"
    - "mips64"
    - "power"
    - "power64"
    - "sparc"
    - "sparcv9"
    - "x86_64"

16 Get or set the current atmospheric pressure setting. To get the current value, set "=pressure" as the string argument. To set the current value, set "pressure=1000" say, as the string argument. Units are mB.

◆ GetAzAlt

void sky6RASCOMTele::GetAzAlt ( )

Gets the azimuth and altitude coordinates of the telescope.

The results of calling this method may be found in the dAz(), dAlt() properties.

◆ GetRaDec

void sky6RASCOMTele::GetRaDec ( )

Gets the equatorial (right ascension and declination) coordinates of the telescope.

The results of calling this method may be found in the dRa(), dDec() properties.

◆ IsParked

bool sky6RASCOMTele::IsParked ( )

Returns non zero if the mount is parked or zero if the mount is not parked.

This method may only be needed if ParkAndDoNotDisconnect() is used instead of Park(). This method is not part of the TheSky6 standard and was added in TheSky build 9231 (see

See also
ParkAndDoNotDisconnect Unpark ConnectAndDoNotUnpark

◆ Jog

void sky6RASCOMTele::Jog ( double  dJogAmtInMins,
QString  lpszDirection 

Slews the telescope a fixed angular distance, or "jogs" the telescope in a specific direction.

dJogAmtInMinsA double number that specifies the amount of the jog, in arcminutes.
lpszDirectionA string that specifies the direction of the jog.

The following lpszDirection are valid:

"N" Moves the telescope North in declination.

"S" Moves the telescope South in declination.

"E" Moves the telescope East in right ascension.

"W" Moves the telescope West in right ascension.

"L" Moves the telescope Left in azimuth.

"R" Moves the telescope Right in azimuth.

"U" Moves the telescope Up in altitude.

"D" Moves the telescope in down in altitude.

◆ Park

void sky6RASCOMTele::Park ( )

Slews the telescope to its park position, parks the telescope and because of requirements of a third party application established in TheSky, terminates communications between the telescope and TheSky.

For asynchronous operation this method can be monitored with IsSlewComplete() followed by IsConnected(). If the park fails for any reason an exception is thrown and communication to the mount is not terminated.
It follows that if IsConnected() returns zero after Park, the Park completed succesfully and conversely if IsConnected() returns non zero after Park, the park failed and an exception will have been thrown. Note, unparking is automatically handled in Connect().

See also

◆ ParkAndDoNotDisconnect

void sky6RASCOMTele::ParkAndDoNotDisconnect ( )

This method is a competitor to Park() and slews the telescope to its park position and parks the telescope but does not terminate connection to the mount as Park() does.

When the telescope is parked, it cannot be slewed. To unpark the telescope call Unpark() (note Unpark() happens automatically upon Connect()). This method is not part of the TheSky6 standard and was added in TheSky build 9231 (see

See also
Park Unpark IsParked ConnectAndDoNotUnpark

◆ SetParkPosition

void sky6RASCOMTele::SetParkPosition ( )

Sets the park position for the telescope.

See also

◆ SetTracking

void sky6RASCOMTele::SetTracking ( int  lOn,
int  lIgnoreRates,
double  dRaRate,
double  dDecRate 

Sets the telescope's tracking rate in the right ascension and declination axis for those devices that are capable.

lOnA number to turn tracking on or off - Valid values, 1 turns tracking on, 0 turns tracking off.
lIgnoreRatesA number that specifies whether or not to use the telescope's current tracking rate, or use the sidereal tracking rate.
            Valid values:

            1 = Ignores the values for dRARate and dDecRate.

            0 = Use the values for dRARate and dDecRate.
dRaRateA double that specifies the new right ascension tracking rate in arcseconds/second - make sure to set lIgnoreRates parameter is set to zero.
dDecRateA double that specifies the new declination tracking rate in arcseconds/second - make sure to set lIgnoreRates parameter is set to zero.

◆ SlewToAzAlt

void sky6RASCOMTele::SlewToAzAlt ( double  dAz,
double  dAlt,
QString  lpszObjectName 

Slews the telescope to the specified azimuth and altitude coordinates.

dAzA double that specifies the azimuth to slew the telescope.
dAltA double number that specifies the altitude to slew the telescope.
lpszObjectNameA string that specifies the object's name.

◆ SlewToRaDec

void sky6RASCOMTele::SlewToRaDec ( double  dRa,
double  dDec,
QString  lpszObjectName 

Slews the telescope to the specified right ascension and declination coordinates.

Note - Coordinates used to slew the telescope are normally for the current epoch.

dRaA double that specifies the right ascension to slew the telescope.
dDecA double that specifies the declination to slew the telescope.
lpszObjectNameA string that specifies the object's name.

◆ Sync

void sky6RASCOMTele::Sync ( double  dRa,
double  dDec,
QString  lpszObjectName 

Synchronizes the telescope's control system at the given right ascension and declination coordinates.

dRaA double that specifies the right ascension to synchronize the telescope.
dDecA double that specifies the declination to synchronize the telescope.
lpszObjectNameA string that specifies the object's name.

The telescope must support the "Sync" command for this method to function normally.

◆ Unpark

void sky6RASCOMTele::Unpark ( )

Unparks the telescope.

This method may only be needed if ParkAndDoNotDisconnect() is used instead of Park(). This method is not part of the TheSky6 standard and was added in TheSky build 9231 (see

See also
ParkAndDoNotDisconnect IsParked ConnectAndDoNotUnpark

Property Documentation

◆ Asynchronous


The property holds if the sky6RASCOMTele object is operating synchronously or asynchronously.

See the Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Execution topic for more information about the differences between these methods of execution.

◆ dAlt


A double value that is the current altitude (in decimal degrees) of the telescope.

Before using this property, the GetAzAlt() method must be called first.

◆ dAz


A double value that is the current azimuth (in decimal degrees) of the telescope.

Before using this property, the GetAzAlt() method must be called first.

◆ dDec


A double value that is the declination of the telescope.

Before using this property, the GetRaDec() method must be called.

◆ dDecTrackingRate


Returns the tracking rate of the telescope for the declination axis.

This property is only available with certain telescope hardware.

◆ DoCommandOutput


This property holds the result of calling the DoCommand() method.

See also

◆ dRa


Returns the right ascension of the telescope.

Before using this property, the GetRaDec() method must be called.

◆ dRaTrackingRate


Returns the tracking rate of the telescope for the right ascension axis.

This property is only available with certain telescope hardware.

◆ IsConnected


Returns non-zero if the connection to the telescope exists or zero if there is no connection.

Use this command to determine if TheSky is successfully linked (communicating with) the telescope.

◆ IsInLimit


Returns a value that determines if the telescope is within a telescope limit region.

Note: This property is currently not supported.

◆ IsSlewComplete


Returns a value that determines if the telescope slew is complete (non-zero) or if the telescope is slewing (zero).

Use this command to determine if the telescope is slewing. Note: The telescope must be using asynchronous slewing for this command to work.

See the Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Execution topic for more information about the differences between these methods of execution.

◆ IsTracking


Returns a value that determines if the telescope tracking is currently on.

The "tracking rate" commonly refers to equatorial telescope's constant motion in the right ascension axis to follow stars. Use this command to determine if the telescope is currently tracking. For equatorial telescopes, the tracking rate is usually set to a sidereal rate in the right ascension axis. For altitude/azimuth mounts, the tracking rate varies for both telescope axes.

◆ LastSlewError


Returns the error code of the last telescope slew.

When an error occurs resulting from a telescope slew (any command that causes the telescope to move), call this function to retrieve the specific error code. Software Bisque recommends that this property be monitored after every method that moves the telescope, for example, Park(), FindHome(), Jog(), SlewToRaDec(), SlewToAzAlt().

ScriptTheSkyX Examples
(C) Software Bisque, Inc. All rights reserved.