Script TheSky  Version 1.32
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ImageLinkResults Class Reference

TheSky ImageLinkResults object. More...

Inheritance diagram for ImageLinkResults:


int errorCode
 This property holds the errorCode if ImageLink fails.
int succeeded
 This property is non-zero, if ImageLink succeeded.
int searchAborted
 This property is non-zero, the ImageLink was aborted.
QString errorText
 This property holds the error text associated with a failed ImageLink.
double imageScale
 This property holds the image scale of a successful ImageLink.
double imagePositionAngle
 This property holds the position angle of a successful ImageLink.
double imageCenterRAJ2000
 This property holds the RA in Epoch 2000 of a successful ImageLink.
double imageCenterDecJ2000
 This property holds the Dec in Epoch 2000 of a successful ImageLink.
int imageWidthInPixels
 This property holds the width of the image in pixels.
int imageHeightInPixels
 This property holds the height of the image in pixels.
int imageIsMirrored
 This property holds if the image is mirrored (non-zero) or not (zero).
QString imageFilePath
 This property holds the path to the file that was ImageLinked.
int imageStarCount
 This property holds the count of the stars in the image.
double imageFWHMInArcSeconds
 This property holds the full width half max of the image.
double solutionRMS
 This property holds astronometric solution RMS.
double solutionRMSX
 This property holds astronometric solution RMS in the x axis.
double solutionRMSY
 This property holds astronometric solution RMS in the y axis.
int solutionStarCount
 This property holds the count of the stars used in the astronometric solution.
int catalogStarCount
 This property holds the count of the stars found in the catalog.

Detailed Description

TheSky ImageLinkResults object.

TheSky ImageLinkResults object allows access to the results of an ImageLink.

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(C) Software Bisque, Inc. All rights reserved.