16#define ERR_COMMNOLINK 200 //|The operation failed because there is no connection to the device.|
17#define ERR_COMMOPENING 201 //|Could not open communications port. The port is either in use by another application or not recognized by the system.|
18#define ERR_COMMSETTINGS 202 //|The communications port could not support the specified settings.|
19#define ERR_NORESPONSE 203 //|No response from the device.|
58#define ERR_MISSED_CLOCK_SYNC_TIME 134 //|Error missed syncing exposure start on unix time stamp.|
61#define ERR_FOCUSERNOTHOMED 140 //|The operation failed because the focuser is not yet homed.|
62#define ERR_ROTATORNOTHOMED 141 //|The operation failed because the rotator is not yet homed.|
65#define ERR_DEVICENOTSUPPORTED 220 //|Device not supported.|
66#define ERR_NOTPOINT 221 //|TPoint model not available.|
67#define ERR_MOUNTNOTSYNCED 222 //|The operation failed because the mount not yet been synchronized to a known star.|
68#define ERR_USERASCLIENT 223 //|You must use the RASClient application to connect to a remote observatory.|
69#define ERR_THESKYNOTRUNNING 224 //|The attempted operation requires the TheSky5 Level IV or TheSky6/TheSkyX Professional Edition and it must be running.|
70#define ERR_NODEVICESELECTED 225 //|No device has been selected.|
71#define ERR_CANTLAUNCHTHESKY 226 //|Unable to launch TheSky.|
72#define ERR_NOTINITIALIZED 227 //|Telescope not initialized. The telescope must be initialized in order to perform this operation.|
73#define ERR_COMMANDNOTSUPPORTED 228 //|This command is not supported by the selected device.|
74#define ERR_LX200DESTBELOWHORIZ 229 //|The Slew command failed because the LX200/Autostar reports that the destination coordinates are below the horizon.|
75#define ERR_LX200OUTSIDELIMIT 230 //|The Slew command failed because the LX200/Autostar reports that slewing to the destination coordinates is not possible. Was the telescope synchronized?|
76#define ERR_MOUNTNOTHOMED 231 //|The operation failed because the mount is not yet homed.|
77#define ERR_TPOINT_NO_MORE_SAMPLES 232 //|TPoint not accepting additional pointing samples.|
78#define ERR_JOYSTICKING 233 //|The operation failed because the joystick is being activated or the device is under manual control.|
79#define ERR_NOPARKPOSITION 234 //|Error, no park position has been set.|
80#define ERR_BADPOINTINGSAMPLE 235 //|The pointing sample was rejected because it is too far out to be valid.This error is typically the result of an exceedingly poor polar alignment or an improperly initialized mount, for example an incorrect star synchronization.To avoid this error, double check your polar alignment with the 'Rough Polar Alignment' (Paramount's only) and or telescope initialization.|
82#define ERR_BADSYNCINTOMODEL 237 //|The 'Sync mount into the existing model' is rejected because it is too far out.Double check polar alignment, date and time and location.|
83#define ERR_MOUNT1NOTPARKED 238 //|The mount is not parked.|
84#define ERR_MOUNT2NOTPARKED 239 //|The mount number 2 is not parked.|
85#define ERR_MOUNT3NOTPARKED 240 //|The mount number 3 is not parked.|
86#define ERR_PROTRACK_REQUIRED 241 //|Protrack is not on and must be. Go to the TPoint window, Protrack tab to turn it on.|
89#define FLASH_REPROGRAMMED 3015 //|Turn off power, move dip switches to off position, then turn power on and reconnect.|
90#define FLASH_NEEDSREPROGRAMMED 3016 //|Firmware needs re-programmed. This will reset all limit minimum and maximum values.|
91#define FIRMWARE_NOT_SUPPORTED 3017 //|Firmware version is not supported.|
92#define FLASH_IN_PROGRAM_MODE 3018 //|The mount firmware in is program mode and cannot be communicated with.Please turn the mount off.Wait at least 5 seconds.Then turn it back on to proceed.|
93#define FLASH_NOT_IN_PROGRAM_MODE 3019 //|The mount firmware is not in the correct state to be re-programmed.|
96#define ERR_OBJECTNOTFOUND 250 //|Object not found.|
97#define ERR_OBJECTTOOLOW 251 //|Object too low.|
98#define ERR_MISSING_NIGHTVISIONMODE_THEME 252 //|Setting Night Vision Mode failed.On Windows, make sure the required file 'TheSkyX Night Vision Mode.Theme' is available to the Windows Display Properties dialog.|
99#define ERR_DISPLAY_PROPS_ALREADY_RUNNING 253 //|The Windows Display Properties dialog is open. Please close it and try again.|
100#define ERR_THEME_NOT_SAVED 254 //|Night Vision cannot be invoked because the current theme has been modified without being saved. Please save the current theme by clicking Start, Control Panel, Display, and from the Themes tab, click Save As.|
101#define ERR_NOOBJECTSELECTED 255 //|The command failed because there is no target. Find or click on a target.|
102#define ERR_BADDOMEGEOMETRY 256 //|Invalid dome geometry.|
128#define ERR_OUTOFDISKSPACE 503 //|Out of disk space.|
129#define ERR_SATURATEDPIXELS 504 //|Cannot proceed, saturated pixels found. If possible lower your exposure time.|
130#define ERR_FILEAREREADONLY 505 //|Unable to complete the operation because one or more files are read only (Windows) or locked (Mac).|
131#define ERR_PATHNOTFOUND 506 //|Unable to create or access the folder.|
132#define ERR_FILEMUSTBESAVED 507 //|Please save the photo before using this command.|
133#define ERR_FILEISSTALE 508 //|The data file is stale.|
136#define ERR_STARTOODIM1 550 //|Star too dim. Lost during +X move.|
137#define ERR_STARTOODIM2 551 //|Star too dim. Lost during -X move.|
138#define ERR_STARTOODIM3 552 //|Star too dim. Lost during +Y move.|
139#define ERR_STARTOODIM4 553 //|Star too dim. Lost during -Y move.|
140#define ERR_MOVEMENTTOOSMALL1 554 //|Motion too small during +X move. Increase calibration time.|
141#define ERR_MOVEMENTTOOSMALL2 555 //|Motion too small during -X move. Increase calibration time.|
142#define ERR_MOVEMENTTOOSMALL3 556 //|Motion too small during +Y move. Increase calibration time.|
143#define ERR_MOVEMENTTOOSMALL4 557 //|Motion too small during -Y move. Increase calibration time.|
144#define ERR_STARTOOCLOSETOEDGE1 558 //|Star too close to edge after +X move.|
145#define ERR_STARTOOCLOSETOEDGE2 559 //|Star too close to edge after -X move.|
146#define ERR_STARTOOCLOSETOEDGE3 560 //|Star too close to edge after +Y move.|
147#define ERR_STARTOOCLOSETOEDGE4 561 //|Star too close to edge after -Y move.|
148#define ERR_AXISNOTPERPENDICULAR1 562 //|Invalid motion in X axis.|
149#define ERR_AXISNOTPERPENDICULAR2 563 //|Invalid motion in Y axis.|
150#define ERR_BOTHAXISDISABLED 564 //|Unable to calibrate, both axis are disabled. At least one axis must be enabled to calibrate.|
151#define ERR_RECALIBRATE 565 //|Autoguider calibration is required. The Declination at calibration is unknown, but declination is now known.|
152#define ERR_NOBRIGHTOBJECTFOUND 566 //|No bright object found on image.|
153#define ERR_INSUFFICIENTCORRELATION 567 //|Insufficient correlation between target image and image under analysis.|
154#define ERR_ROTATORCONNECTED 568 //|Autoguider calibration is required. A camera rotator was connected after calibration was performed.|
155#define ENUM_ERR_ROTATORDISCONNECTED 569 //|Autoguider calibration is required. A camera rotator was disconnected after calibration was performed.|
156#define ERR_IMAGESIZECHANGED 570 //|Autoguider calibration is required. Image size changed since most recent calibration.|
157#define ENUM_ERR_PARAMOUNT_SYNC_NOT_REQ 572 //|The Paramount does not require star synchronization.|
158#define ENUM_ERR_PEC_FIT 573 //|Error during PEC fit.|
159#define ENUM_ERR_PEC_AFTER_WORSE 574 //|Train PEC failed, periodic error after correction is worse. (One plausible reason is the image scale you entered is incorrect, i.e., too large, double check it.)|
162#define ERR_DSSNAMETOLONG 600 //|The file name and/or path is too long.|
163#define ERR_DSSNOTINITED 601 //|The Digitized Sky Survey Setup is not properly initialized, please check Digitized Sky Survey Setup parameters.|
164#define ERR_DSSSYSERROR 602 //|System error. Please verify Digitized Sky Survey Setup parameters are correct and make sure the data is present.|
165#define ERR_DSSWRONGDISK 603 //|Wrong Disk.|
166#define ERR_DSSNOIMAGE 604 //|No image found to extract.|
169#define ERR_API_CPP_OLD 607 //|The file API_CPP.DLL is old and not compatible with this program. Please obtain the latest API_CPP.DLL.|
170#define ERR_DSSCDROM 608 //|Unable to access the Digitized Sky Survey data. Make sure the volume or drive is valid.|
171#define ERR_DSSHEADERSPATH 609 //|Unable to access the headers path specified in Digitized Sky Survey Setup. Please correct the path.|
172#define ERR_DSSNODSSDISK 610 //|The Digitized Sky Survey data is not present in the specified location.|
173#define ERR_DSSNOTINSURVEY 611 //|Not in survey.|
174#define ERR_SE_INTERNAL_ERROR 612 //|An error occurred within Source Extraction.|
175#define ERR_SEC_KEY 613 //|A required security key is not present.|
178#define ERR_ILINK_NOSCALE 650 //|Image Link has no image scale.|
179#define ERR_ILINK_TOOFEWBMP 651 //|Image Link failed because there are not enough stars in the photo. Possible solutions include:<ol><li>Try a longer exposure.</li> <li>Lower the <b><i>Detection Threshold</i></b> in the <b><i>Source Extraction Setup</i></b> window to detect fainter stars in the photo.</li><li>Lower the <b><i>Minimum Number of Pixels Above Threshold</i></b> in the <b><i>Source Extraction Setup</i></b> window to extract stars near the background.</li></ol>|
180#define ERR_ILINK_TOOFEWSKY 652 //|Image Link failed because there are an insufficient number of matching cataloged stars. There must be at least eight cataloged stars in each image to perform an Image Link. Verify which star databases are active.|
181#define ERR_ILINK_NOMATCHFOUND 653 //|Image Link failed, no pattern matching found. Make sure the RA/Dec coordinates in the FITS header are correct, and double-check the image scale.|
182#define ERR_ILINK_NOIMAGE 654 //|Image Link failed because there is no FITS photo to compare. Click the <b>Open Fits</b> button on the <b>Search</b> tab to proceed.|
189#define ERR_ILINK_TOO_MANY_OBJECTS 661 //|Too many light sources were found in the photo, increase the Source Extraction Setup's <b>Detection threshold</b> setting (Setup tab).|
190#define ERR_ILINK_REQUIRED 662 //|This operation requires a successful Image Link and one has not been performed.|
194#define ERR_BADFORMAT 701 //|Unrecognized or bad file format.|
195#define ERR_OPENINGFILE 702 //|Unable to open file.|
196#define ERR_FEATURENAINLEVEL 703 //|This edition does not support the requested feature.|
197#define ERR_SOCKETEXCEPTION 704 //|An error occurred during a network call.|
198#define ERR_CANTCREATETHREAD 705 //|Unable to create a new thread.|
201#define ERR_F_DOESNOTEXIST 709 //|The file or folder does not exist.|
202#define ERR_F_ACCESS_WRITE 707 //|Access denied. You do not have write access to the file or folder or item.|
203#define ERR_F_ACCESS_READ 706 //|Access denied. You do not have read access to the file or folder or item.|
204#define ERR_F_ACCESS_RW 708 //|Access denied. You do not have read/write access to the file or folder or item.|
207#define ERR_OPENGL_NOT_COMPAT 711 //|A newer version of OpenGL is required to run this application.|
210#define ERR_CHANGE_PASSWORD 730 //|You are required to change your password before you can access this site.|
211#define ERR_OP_REQUIRES_OPENGL 732 //|This feature requires hardware 3D acceleration.<br><br>Click <a href='http://www.bisque.com/videocards'>here</a> for a list of recommended video cards.<br><br>|
212#define ERR_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE 733 //|The index is out of range.|
213#define ERR_TRIAL_EXPIRED 734 //|The trial period has expired.|
214#define ERR_INVALID_SNUM 735 //|Invalid serial number.|
215#define ERR_OP_REQUIRES_OPENGL2PLUS 736 //|This feature requires <b>advanced capabilities</b> of OpenGL 2.0 or later.<br><br>Go to Preferences, Advanced tab (on Mac, TheSkyX Menu, on Windows Tools Menu) and enable 'OpenGL 2 Plus Features' to see if it works with your video card hardware.<br><br><div style='color:OliveDrab'>Warning, your video card might not be capable of this feature.</div> <br><br>Click <a href='http://www.bisque.com/videocards'>here</a> for a list of recommended video cards. |
216#define ERR_BADWEATHER 737 //|Bad weather prohibits this operation.|
217#define ERR_WEATHERSTATION_NOT_READY1 738 //|The weather station is not connected.|
218#define ERR_WEATHERSTATION_NOT_READY2 739 //|The weather station is still initializing.|
219#define ERR_WEATHERSTATION_NOT_READY3 740 //|Communication with the weather station is poor or lost.|
220#define ERR_WEATHERSTATION_NOT_READY4 741 //|The weather station is in an unknown state.|
223#define ERR_SGSTARBRTDOWN50 800 //|Self-guide star brightness down 50%.|
224#define ERR_SGNEXT 801 //|Self-guide next error.|
225#define ERR_SGNEXT2 802 //|Self-guide next two error.|
228#define ERR_MM_DOME_NOT_CONNECTED 805 //|The mount motion has been prohibitied because the dome is not connected. The software is configured to prohibit mount motion unless the dome is open. Connect the dome so that the software can determine if the dome is open.|
229#define ERR_MM_DOME_NOT_OPEN 806 //|The mount motion has been prohibitied because the dome is not open. The software is configured to prohibit mount motion unless the dome is open. Open the dome to allow mount motion.|
232#define ERR_MNCPFIRSTERROR 900 //|MNCP first error.|
235#define ERR_MNCPLASTERROR 999 //|MNCP last error.|
238#define ERR_AUTOSAVE 1130 //|Auto-save error.|
241#define ERR_UPLOADNOTST6FILE 1150 //|Unable to load ST-6 file.|
242#define ERR_NOHEADADJNEEDED 1151 //|No head adjustment needed.|
243#define ERR_NOTCFW6A 1152 //|Not a CFW 6A.|
244#define ERR_NOINTERFACE 1153 //|No interface has been selected.|
245#define ERR_CAMERANOTFOUND 1154 //|Camera not found.|
250#define ERR_SELFGUIDENA 1159 //|Self guide not available.|
251#define ERR_TRACKLOGNA 1160 //|Tracking log not available.|
252#define ERR_AOREQUIREST78 1161 //|AO not available for this camera.|
253#define ERR_CALIBRATEAONOTON 1162 //|AO not calibrated.|
254#define ERR_WRONGCAMERAFOUND 1163 //|A camera was detected, but it does not match the one selected.|
255#define ERR_PIXEL_MATH_OPERAND 1164 //|Cannot multiply or divide the image pixels by an operand less than 0.001.|
256#define ERR_IMAGE_SIZE 1165 //|Enlarged image would exceed maximum image size. Try cropping it first.|
257#define ERR_CANNOT_COLORGRAB 1166 //|There is not a color filter wheel attached.|
258#define ERR_WRONGCFWFOUND 1167 //|A filter wheel was detected, but it does not match the one selected.|
259#define FILTERNOTFOUND 1168 //|The filter name is not valid, please correct it.|
262#define ERR_APOGEECFGNAME 1200 //|A required initialization file was not found. Go to Camera, Setup, and press the Settings button to choose the correct file.|
263#define ERR_APOGEECFGDATA 1201 //|Error in Apogee INI file.|
264#define ERR_APOGEELOAD 1202 //|Error transferring APCCD.INI data to camera.|
267#define ERR_APOGEEOPENOFFSET 1220 //|Invalid base I/O address passed to function.|
279#define ERR_APOGEEOPENOFFSET12 1232 //|File not found or not valid.|
280#define ERR_APOGEEOPENOFFSET13 1233 //|Camera configuration data is invalid.|
281#define ERR_APOGEEOPENOFFSET14 1234 //|Invalid CCD handle passed to function.|
282#define ERR_APOGEEOPENOFFSET15 1235 //|Invalid parameter passed to function.|
285#define ERR_GPSTFPNOTRUNNING 1300 //|Shutter timing is enabled, but the GPSTFP application is not running.|
286#define ERR_APPXISRUNNING 1301 //|AppX is running. Please exit it and try to connect again.|
289#define ERR_IMAGECALWRONGBPP 5000 //|Unable to reduce. The image being reduced doesn't have the same bits per pixel as the reduction frames.|
290#define ERR_IMAGECALWRONGSIZE 5001 //|Unable to reduce. The image being reduced is larger than the reduction frames.|
291#define ERR_IMAGECALWRONGBIN 5002 //|Unable to reduce. The image being reduced doesn't have the same bin mode as the reduction frames.|
292#define ERR_IMAGECALWRONGSUBFRAME 5003 //|Unable to reduce. The image being reduced doesn't entirely overlap the reduction frames. Make sure the subframes overlap.|
293#define ERR_IMAGECALGROUPINUSE 5004 //|Unable to proceed. The image reduction group is currently in use.|
294#define ERR_IMAGECALNOSUCHGROUP 5005 //|Unable to proceed. The selected image reduction group no longer exists.|
295#define ERR_IMAGECALNOFRAMES 5006 //|Unable to proceed. The selected image reduction group does not contain any reduction frames.|
298#define ERR_WRONGBPP 5020 //|Unable to proceed. The images don't have the same bits per pixel.|
299#define ERR_WRONGSIZE 5021 //|Unable to proceed. The images don't have the same dimensions.|
300#define ERR_WRONGTYPE 5022 //|Unable to proceed. The images don't have the same format.|
303#define ERR_NOIMAGESINFOLDER 5050 //|Unable to proceed. The folder doesn't contain any readable images.|
304#define ERR_NOPATTERNMATCH 5051 //|The files could not be aligned. No pattern match was found.|
307#define ERR_NOTFITS 5070 //|This operation requires a FITS file.|
379#define ERR_ACLGOTOILLEGAL 100 //|ACL illegal go to command.|
380#define ERR_ACLGOTOBELOWHRZ 101 //|ACL error: destination is below the horizon.|
381#define ERR_ACLGOTOLIMITS 102 //|ACL go to limit.|
384#define ERR_NOT_IMPL 11000 //|This command is not supported.|
385#define ERR_NOT_IMPL_IN_MODEL 11001 //|This command is not implemented in the model.|
386#define ERR_OPENING_FOVI_FILES 11002 //|One of the Field of View Indicator database files cannot be found. (Abnormal installation.)|
387#define ERR_NO_IRIDIUM_SATELLITES 11003 //|No Iridium satellite two-line elements are currently loaded.|
388#define ERR_ACCESS_DENIED 11004 //|Access is denied. Check your username and or password.|
389#define ERR_ALL_TLES_DATE_REJECTED 11005 //|All TLEs were date rejected, so no satellites will be loaded. Check the date of the TLEs and make sure TheSkyX's date is within 45 days of this date.|
392#define ERR_SBSCODEBASE 1000 //|Base offset for creating wire safe scodes|
395#define ERR_SBIGST7FIRST 30000 //|SBIG ST7 first error.|
398#define ERR_SBIGCCCFWFIRST 31000 //|SBIG first cfw error.|
401#define ENUM_ERR_CFISIOFIRST 33000 //|CFITSIO first error.|
404#define ERR_CUSTOMAPIFIRST 1400 //|Custom api error code first.|
407#define ERR_CUSTOMAPILAST 1499 //|Custom api error code last.|
408#define ERR_IPLSUITEERR 1500 //|IPL suite error first|
444#define ERR_MKS_COMM_BADLEN 21007 //|Invalid length of serial command error. COMM_BADLEN.|
445#define ERR_MKS_COMM_BADCOMMAND 21008 //|Invalid serial command error. COMM_BADCOMMAND.|
446#define ERR_MKS_COMM_INITFAIL 21009 //|Could not open communications port. The port is either in use by another application or not recognized by the system. COMM_INITFAIL|
447#define ERR_MKS_COMM_NACK 21010 //|No acknowledgement of command from device. COMM_NACK.|
456#define ERR_MKS_MAIN_BADMOTORSTATE 22003 //|Unable to slew because the mount has not been homed. Click Telescope, Options, Find Home to home the mount.|
457#define ERR_MKS_MAIN_BADSERVOSTATE 22004 //|Indexing before finding switch 1.|
458#define ERR_MKS_MAIN_SERVOBUSY 22005 //|Indexing before finding switch 2.|
459#define ERR_MKS_MAIN_BAD_PEC_LENGTH 22006 //|Invalid length of PEC table. MAIN_BAD_PEC_LENGTH.|
460#define ERR_MKS_MAIN_AT_LIMIT 22007 //|The mount is at a minimum or maximum position limit and cannot be slewed. This error may be the result of improper synchronization near the meridian. When syncing near the meridian, be sure the optical tube assembly and the synchronization star are on opposite sides of the meridian.|
461#define ERR_MKS_MAIN_NOT_HOMED 22008 //|Mount has not been homed. Click Telescope, Options, Find Home to home the mount.|
462#define ERR_MKS_MAIN_BAD_POINT_ADD 22009 //|Object-Tracking point error.|
463#define ERR_MKS_MAIN_INVALID_PEC 22010 //|The PEC table is invalid.|
464#define ERR_MKS_SLEW_PAST_LIMIT 22011 //|The slew is not possible because the target is beyond a slew limit.Slew limits prevent the mount from colliding with the pier and or encountering a physical hard stop. In other words, a target beyond a slew limit is mechanically unreachable.|
467#define ERR_MKS_MAIN_BAD_CONTROL_CODE 22020 //|MKS4000: Command-code is invalid.|
468#define ERR_MKS_MAIN_BAD_SYSTEM_ID 22021 //|Unknown system type (not an MKS 3000 or MKS 4000)|
486#define ERR_MKS_MOTOR_POSERRORLIM 24002 //|<b>The mount cannot slew. See the list of likely reasons below.<br><br>To recover, turn the mount off, wait a few moments and then turn the mount back on.<br><br></b><table border=1><tr><th>Possible Reasons In Order of Likelihood</th><th>Solution</th></tr><tr><td>1. The mount payload is too far out of balance.</td><td>Carefully balance the payload.</td></tr><tr><td>2. A transport lock knob is in the lock position.</td><td>Unlock the transport lock knob(s).</td></tr><tr><td>3. The mount has encountered a physical obstacle.</td><td>Move the obstacle.</td></tr><tr><td>4. You've recently added through the mount cabling.</td><td>Make sure you did not accidentally unplug an internal mount cable. Also make sure the added cabling is not binding a mount axis from rotating.</td></tr><tr><td>5. The worm block cam adjustment has been adjusted recently and it is too tight.</td><td>See the technical article on adjusting the worm block.</td></tr><tr><td>6. The ambient temperature is near or below freezing.</td><td>Lower mount speed/acceleration.</td></tr></table><br><br>|
487#define ERR_MKS_MOTOR_STILL_ON 24003 //|Motor still on but command needs it stopped.|
501#define ERR_GEMINI_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED 281 //|Gemini - Version 4 or later is required. Please update your Gemini firmware.|
504#define ERR_VIXEN_UNKNOWN 290 //|Star Book - Unknown error accessing mount.|
505#define ERR_VIXEN_URLNOTSET 291 //|Star Book - The specified URL appears to be invalid.|
506#define ERR_VIXEN_STATUSINVALID 292 //|Star Book - No or invalid data received.|
507#define ERR_VIXEN_STATUSNOTAVAILABLE 293 //|Star Book - Error reading mount status.|
508#define ERR_VIXEN_ILLEGALSTATE 294 //|Star Book - Mount in wrong state to accept this command.|
509#define ERR_VIXEN_SETRADECERROR 295 //|Star Book - Error when trying to set RA/Dec. Make sure the new alignment object is more than 10 degrees from the previous alignment object.|
510#define ERR_VIXEN_INVALIDFORMAT 296 //|Star Book - Command incorrectly formatted.|
511#define ERR_VIXEN_BELOWHORIZON 297 //|Star Book - Target below the horizon.|
512#define ERR_VIXEN_HOMEERROR 298 //|Star Book - Error with HOME command.|
515#define ERR_OPEN_NV_THEME 11101 //|Error opening TheSkyX Night Vision Mode Theme. Click the Night Vision Mode Setup command on the Display menu and verify that the Night Vision Mode them file name is correct and the theme exists.|
516#define ERR_OPEN_STANDARD_THEME 11102 //|Error opening the Standard Theme. Click the Night Vision Mode Setup command on the Display menu and verify that the Standard Theme file name is correct and the theme exists.|
517#define ERR_INVALID_DATA 11103 //|The comet or minor planet orbital element data, or data file, contains invalid data and cannot be used to display this object or these objects.|
520#define ERR_IOPTRON_SLEWERROR 310 //|The target object is either below the horizon, or slewing to this object will exceed the mount's limits.|
522// End of addtogroup X2Errors
525#endif // SBERRORX_H
X2 Examples
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