X2 Standard  Version 1.25
Embedded Devices

In an effort to lessen the burden in developing device drivers for TheSkyX, X2 specifically addresses the concept of an embedded device. The X2 architecture by default keeps in line with object oriented programming techniques which strive to keep objects independent of one another, for example a camera and a filter wheel are independent. This is fine when physically the devices are separate, say from two manufacturers and they communicate on two different ports and they are independent. In practice, many cameras have a built in filter wheel, and both camera and filter wheel communicate over the same port and a (plug in) driver model that treats them independently can place a burden on the developer to solve how to get the two independent drivers hosted in two shared libraries (dlls) to communicate over the same port.

TheSkyX has the means to allow a camera to have an embedded filter wheel (a mount having an embedded focuser might be next but TheSkyX already has native drivers for most popular mounts with embedded focusers).

The following are required for a camera to have a embedded filter wheel from TheSkyX's perspective:

  1. 1) The x2 camera driver must implement the FilterWheelMoveToInterface.
  2. 2) The hardwarelist.txt for the filter wheel must have its "MapsTo" field set to "Camera's Filter Wheel".

With this combination, TheSkyX will simply delegate the filter wheel calls to the camera's implementation of the FilterWheelMoveToInterface, thus "easily" allowing a camera driver to be created that has an embedded filter wheel while at the same time not duplicating interfaces to address an independent filter wheel vs. an dependent (embedded) filter wheel.

Also see MultiConnectionDeviceInterface.

X2 Examples
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