DocumentProperty Property (StarChart Object)
The document value associated with the SkDocumentProperty argument. This property has both read and write access.
The SkDocumentProperty argument can have one of the following values.
Constant |
Value |
Description |
skDocProp_Latitude |
0 |
The latitude of the location.
skDocProp_Longitude |
1 |
The longitude of the location.
skDocProp_Time_Zone |
2 |
The time-zone of the star chart.
skDocProp_ElevationInMeters |
3 |
The elevation of the location in meters.
skDocProp_DaylightSavingTimeIndex |
4 |
The index of the daylight savings option. For a list of possible values see the Locations.txt file.
skDocProp_UseComputerClock |
5 |
Zero if not using the computers clock non-zero otherwise.
skDocProp_StellarRecomputeInterval |
6 |
A string indicating the stellar re-compute interval.
skDocProp_TimeSkipInterval |
7 |
A string indicating the Time Skip interval.
skDocProp_PlanetRecomputeInterval |
8 |
A string indicating the planetary recomputed interval.
skDocProp_JulianDateNow |
9 |
The Julian date of star chart.
skDocProp_OrientationIndex |
10 |
0= Zenith Up 1=Pole Up 2=Free Rotation
skDocProp_PlotGSC |
11 |
Set to a non-zero value to plot GSC stars.
skDocProp_PlotHipTyc |
12 |
Set to a non-zero value to plot Hipparcos Typco stars.
skDocProp_PlotUCAC |
13 |
Plot stars from the UCAC catalog.
skDocProp_PlotUSNOA |
14 |
Plot stars from the USNO A catalog.
skDocProp_PlotUSNOSA |
15 |
Plot stars from the USNO SA catalog.
skDocProp_PlotUSNOBFull |
16 |
Plot stars from the 80 GB USNO catalog.
skDocProp_PlotUSNOBSubset |
17 |
Plot stars from TheSky's USNO subset catalog.
skDocProp_labels_on |
18 |
Not accessible.
skDocProp_ext_opts |
19 |
Not accessible.
skDocProp_ext_opts_comet |
20 |
Not accessible.
skDocProp_NorthEastIndicator |
21 |
Show/hide the North/East Indicator.
skDocProp_Mirror |
22 |
Turn on/off Mirror Image.
skDocProp_status_bar_opts |
23 |
Not accessible.
skDocProp_nSpectralPercent |
24 |
Specify the percentage (0-100) saturation for stars spectral color.
skDocProp_NightVisionStarsRed |
25 |
Turn on/off red stars in Night Vision Mode.
skDocProp_nstell_gsc_opt |
26 |
Show or hide non-stellar GSC objects.
skDocProp_ShowSpectralColors |
27 |
Show or hide spectral color for stars.
skDocProp_ScreenPopulationIndex |
28 |
Get/set the density (1-100) for stars.
skDocProp_ComputeProperMotion |
29 |
Turn on/off proper motion calculations.
skDocProp_ProperMotionVectorLength |
30 |
Specify the length of the proper motion vectors (in years).
skDocProp_TransparentMoon |
31 |
Turn on/off displaying a transparent moon.
skDocProp_VirtualDisplayIndex |
32 |
skDocProp_ShowEarthShadow |
33 |
Show/hide the Earth's shadow.
skDocProp_common_labels |
34 |
Show/hide common name labels.
skDocProp_3DSolarSystemView |
35 |
Show/hide the 3D Solar System simulation.
skDocProp_LockedIndex |
36 |
A zero-based index that determines the object to "pin" to the center of the screen.
skDocProp_ViewFromIndex |
37 |
A zero-based index that determines the object to view from in the 3D Solar System simulation.
skDocProp_TrailTypeIndex |
38 |
A number between 0 and 2 and indicates the type of Object Path.
0=connected line 1=dots at each position 2=object symbol at each position
skDocProp_StartEq |
39 |
Not accessible.
skDocProp_StartHz |
40 |
Not accessible.
skDocProp_StartFW |
41 |
The value of TheSky6's field of view (or field width) when the application is launched.
skDocProp_OrthographicProjection |
42 |
Display the Orthographic projection.
skDocProp_ShowRefractedHoizonToo |
43 |
Show/hide the refracted horizon.
skDocProp_cMWType |
44 |
Get/set the Milky Way type
skDocProp_ShowConstellations |
45 |
Show/hide constellation lines.
skDocProp_cShowHzPoleup |
46 |
Show/hide the local horizon in Pole Up mode.
skDocProp_nNSTGradient |
47 |
A number (0-100) for the gradient of the non-stellar object fill color.
skDocProp_GridSpacingIndex |
48 |
A number between 0 and 2 and indicates the type of equatorial grid spacing.
0=automatic - wide 1=automatic - narrow 2=user-defined spacing
skDocProp_RealModeHorizononDisplayTypeIndex |
49 |
An index Specify the size of the equatorial grid spacing.
skDocProp_GridRAIncrement |
50 |
Specify the size of the equatorial grid spacing in right ascension.
skDocProp_GridDecIncrement |
51 |
Specify the size of the equatorial grid spacing in declination.
skDocProp_extended_labels |
52 |
Not accessible.
skDocProp_m_page_opts |
53 |
Not accessible.
skDocProp_SAOPrefix |
54 |
Text that specifies the prefix for SAO catalog numbers.
skDocProp_NGCPrefix |
55 |
Text that specifies the prefix for NGC catalog numbers.
skDocProp_ICPrefix |
56 |
Text that specifies the prefix for IC catalog numbers.
skDocProp_UGCPrefix |
57 |
Text that specifies the prefix for UGC catalog numbers.
skDocProp_CGCGPrefix |
58 |
Text that specifies the prefix for CGCG catalog numbers.
skDocProp_GCVSPrefix |
59 |
Text that specifies the prefix for GCVS catalog numbers.
skDocProp_ShowOverlappingCatalogs |
60 |
Show/hide overlapping objects from different catalogs.
skDocProp_SkyDisplayPropertiesFileName |
61 |
SDP file name.
skDocProp_ShowAtmosphericBackground |
62 |
Show/hide horizon glow.
skDocProp_LocationDescription |
63 |
Text that describes the current location.
skDocProp_UserRotateDegrees |
64 |
Position angle of Virtual Sky. |
skDocProp_RealModeHorizononFileName |
65 |
File name of panoramic horizon image.
skDocProp_AltitudeLimitFileName |
66 |
Name of altitude limit line file.
skDocProp_DecLimitFileName |
67 |
Name of declination limit line file.
skDocProp_csLocationFileFileName |
68 |
Name of file that contains the database of locations.
skDocProp_plot_nst |
69 |
Show/hide non-stellar objects.
skDocProp_Recording |
70 |
Recording time skips.
skDocProp_bUSNORawUseVersion1 |
71 |
Use the native USNO 1 format.
skDocProp_bFillScreen |
72 |
Show/hide Full Screen Mode.
skDocProp_bHollowDeepSky |
73 |
Show outline for extended objects.
skDocProp_AuxData |
74 |
Not accessible.
skDocProp_nWideFieldProj |
75 |
Specify the projection at 50 degree and greater fields of view.
skDocProp_bSSOnly |
76 |
Display solar system objects only (time skips).
skDocProp_SSOriginx |
77 |
3D Solar system x origin.
skDocProp_SSOriginy |
78 |
3D Solar system y origin.
skDocProp_SSOriginz |
79 |
3D Solar system z origin.
skDocProp_SSdRho |
80 |
3D Solar system viewing angle.
skDocProp_SSdTheta |
81 |
3D Solar system viewing angle.
skDocProp_SSdPhi |
82 |
3D Solar system viewing angle.
skDocProp_SSdDistanceAU |
83 |
3D Solar system viewing distance in au.
skDocProp_SSbLineToEcliptic |
84 |
Show/hide lines from orbit to plane of the ecliptic.
skDocProp_SScsLockedName |
85 |
Name of solar system object to lock on.
skDocProp_SScsViewFromName |
Name of solar system object to view from.
skDocProp_StarPlotBrtCon |
87 |
Not accessible.
skDocProp_RealModeHorizonIsVisible |
88 |
Show/hide panoramic horizon.
skDocProp_RealModeHorizonRPercent |
89 |
Percentage of red saturation in the panoramic horizon.
skDocProp_RealModeHorizonGPercent |
90 |
Percentage of green saturation in the panoramic horizon.
skDocProp_RealModeHorizonBPercent |
91 |
Percentage of blue saturation in the panoramic horizon.
skDocProp_RealModeHorizonSilhouette |
92 |
Show/hide the outline of the panoramic horizon.
skDocProp_RealModeHorizonGlowIsVisible |
93 |
Show/hide the horizon glow.
skDocProp_RealModeHorizonRGlowOffset |
94 |
Percentage of red saturation in the horizon glow.
skDocProp_RealModeHorizonGGlowOffset |
95 |
Percentage of green saturation in the horizon glow.
skDocProp_RealModeHorizonBGlowOffset |
96 |
Percentage of blue saturation in the horizon glow.
skDocProp_RealModeHorizondGlowAltitudeTop |
97 |
Altitude of the top of the panoramic horizon.
skDocProp_RealModeHorizondGlowAltitudeBottom |
98 |
Altitude of the bottom of the panoramic horizon.
skDocProp_RealModeConstellationGroupVisible |
99 |
Show/hide the constellation Image Group.
skDocProp_RealModeConstellationROffset |
100 |
Percentage of red saturation in the constellation drawings.
skDocProp_RealModeConstellationGOffset |
101 |
Percentage of green saturation in the constellation drawings.
skDocProp_RealModeConstellationBOffset |
102 |
Percentage of blue saturation in the constellation drawings.
skDocProp_RealModeConstellationbOnlyNearCenter |
103 |
Option to show/hide constellation drawings that fall near screen center only.
skDocProp_RealModeConstellationbBrightenNearCenter |
104 |
Option to brighten the color of constellation drawings that fall near screen center only.
skDocProp_RealModeMilkyWayIsVisible |
105 |
Show/hide the Milky Way image.
skDocProp_RealModeMilkyWayROffset |
106 |
Percentage of red saturation in the Milky Way image.
skDocProp_RealModeMilkyWayGOffset |
107 |
Percentage of green saturation in the Milky Way image.
skDocProp_RealModeMilkyWayBOffset |
108 |
Percentage of blue saturation in the Milky Way image.
skDocProp_RealModeAtmosphereSunHaloVisible |
109 |
Show/hide Sun's halo.
skDocProp_RealModeAtmosphereRSunHalo |
110 |
Percentage of red saturation in the Sun's halo.
skDocProp_RealModeAtmosphereGSunHalo |
111 |
Percentage of green saturation in the Sun's halo.
skDocProp_RealModeAtmosphereBSunHalo |
112 |
Percentage of blue saturation in the Sun's halo.
skDocProp_RealModeAtmosphereSunHaloDegrees |
113 |
Angular size of Sun's halo.
skDocProp_RealModeAtmosphereMoonHaloVisible |
114 |
Show/hide Moons halo.
skDocProp_RealModeAtmosphereMoonHaloDegrees |
115 |
Angular size of Moon's halo.
skDocProp_RealModeAtmosphereSunHzGlowVisible |
116 |
Show/hide Sun's halo.
skDocProp_RealModeAtmosphereRSunHzGlow |
117 |
Percentage of red saturation in the Sun's horizon glow.
skDocProp_RealModeAtmosphereGSunHzGlow |
118 |
Percentage of green saturation in the Sun's horizon glow.
skDocProp_RealModeAtmosphereBSunHzGlow |
119 |
Percentage of blue saturation in the Sun's horizon glow.
skDocProp_RealModeAtmospheredSunHzGlowDegrees |
120 |
Angular size of the Sun's horizon glow. |
skDocProp_RealModeAtmosphereCloudsVisible |
121 |
Show/hide clouds (currently unsupported).
skDocProp_RealModeAtmosphereRCloud |
122 |
Percentage of red saturation in the clouds' color (currently unsupported).
skDocProp_RealModeAtmosphereGCloud |
123 |
Percentage of green saturation in the clouds' color (currently unsupported).
skDocProp_RealModeAtmosphereBCloud |
124 |
Percentage of blue saturation in the clouds' color (currently unsupported).
skDocProp_RealModeAtmospherebBackgroundIsVisible |
125 |
Show/hide the sky background color.
skDocProp_RealModeAtmospherenBackgroundR |
126 |
Percentage of red saturation in the sky background color.
skDocProp_RealModeAtmospherenBackgroundG |
127 |
Percentage of green saturation in the sky background color.
skDocProp_RealModeAtmospherenBackgroundB |
128 |
Percentage of blue saturation in the sky background color.
skDocProp_InPlaceImages |
129 |
Show Digitized Sky Survey images for non-stellar objects.
skDocProp_ClipInPlace |
130 |
Clip Digitized Sky Survey images to the size of the extended object.
skDocProp_InPlaceBorders |
131 |
Draw a border around in-place images.
skDocProp_DefaultFrameSize |
132 |
Set/get the default size of the image frame for objects that do not have a size.
skDocProp_ExtendLabels |
133 |
Show/hide extended labels.
skDocProp_CatalogActive |
134 |
Not accessible.
skDocProp_SmoothedStars |
135 |
Show/hide gradient stars.
skDocProp_bUseHalos |
136 |
Show/hide halo around bright stars.
skDocProp_nFntAdjust |
137 |
skDocProp_nSatAdjust |
138 |
Star saturation adjustment. Get/set a number between 0-100.
skDocProp_nMaxBinAdjust |
139 |
skDocProp_dBrtAdjust |
140 |
Star brightness adjustment. Get/set a number between 0-100.
skDocProp_dConAdjust |
141 |
Star contrast adjustment. Get/set a number between 0-100.
skDocProp_dNarrowBrt |
142 |
Narrow field star brightness adjustment. Get/set a number between -10-10.
skDocProp_dNarrowCon |
143 |
Narrow field star contrast adjustment. Get/set a number between -10-10.
skDocProp_bDrawPMVectors |
144 |
Show/hide proper motion vectors.
skDocProp_bHorizonInPoleUp |
145 |
Show/hide horizon in Pole Up mode. |
skDocProp_MosaicParms |
146 |
Not accessible. |
skDocProp_bUserDataVisible |
147 |
Show/hide user-defined data. |
skDocProp_bConstlDrawings |
148 |
Show/hide constellation drawings. |
skDocProp_dFocusScale |
149 |
The focuser speed.
0=slow 1=fast
skDocProp_bOutline |
150 |
Show/hide the outline for non-stellar objects.
skDocProp_bLabel |
151 |
Show/hide common name labels.
skDocProp_bGrid |
152 |
Show/hide the equatorial grid lines.
skDocProp_bClemHigh |
153 |
Show high-resolution Clementine images in Moon Viewer.
skDocProp_nMaskOpacity |
154 |
Specify the FOVI opacity (0-100)for telescope masks.
skDocProp_LayerInfo |
155 |
Specify the bitmap layer number for exported star chart.
skDocProp_nLayerResX |
156 |
Set/get the x-axis resolution for exported star charts.
skDocProp_nLayerResY |
157 |
Set/get the y-axis resolution for exported star charts.
skDocProp_bResReset |
158 |
Set the default screen resolution for the exported star chart.
skDocProp_csLayerPrefix |
159 |
Get/Set the prefix text for the exported star chart file names.
skDocProp_bDrawPaths |
160 |
Draw object paths.
skDocProp_nTimeCnt |
161 |
Get/set the value of the number of time skip increments for an object path.
skDocProp_dTimeIncr |
162 |
Get/set the value of the time skip increment.
skDocProp_SDPIDLast |
163 |
Use this property to get and set Sky Document properties.