Imaging Bundle

Powerful, Flexible, Integrated, Cross-Platform Capable.

TheSky™ Imaging bundles the TheSky™ Professional with two of its most popular companion-options, TPoint™ and Cameras+. The result is a supremely capable and tightly integrated software package. Whether you’re imaging projects involve science or art, the best results require the best photographic data. For imagers at all levels of proficiency, TheSky™ Imaging bundle can be all the data-capture software that you’ll need.

Select the operating system (OS) and click Buy Now to add TheSky to your cart and then checkout.  After checkout, you can download the full installer by clicking My account, My Downloads. Click My account, My Serial Numbers to view your TheSky serial number.


SKU: TheSky-Imaging-Parent Categories: , Tags: ,

Details how to upgrade to TheSky Imaging from all other editions are here.

TheSky Professional has integrated telescope mount control and can operate these supported telescope mounts out of the box.

Click on the links below for details about additional equipment supported by the Cameras+ and Domes modules.

Note that TheSky Imaging bundle includes the Cameras+ module.

TheSky Professional edition offers optional software and database modules that can be used to extend its functionality.

The following optional modules are available on the Software Bisque Store:

Visit TheSky Change Log page for a list of all the improvements, changes and fixes in each release.

When your software subscription is active, you can download the latest TheSky Professional update (or full installer) by logging in and visiting My account > My Downloads.  From there, you download the update and run the installer on your computer.


Integrated software is inherently easier to use.

Integrated software is easier to use because there’s only a single user interface to learn, and stringing together disparate software from different vendors can be problematic.

The device control capabilities (Cameras+) deliver outstanding out-of-the-box support for a many commercial devices, including cameras, autoguiders, focusers, filter wheels, instrument rotators, remote power switches, and more.

The integrated TPoint™ telescope modeling lets you quickly enjoy superior polar alignment tools with unmatched pointing accuracy. For a detailed look, please visit the TPoint module. Not all products (or product features) are created equal and “telescope modeling” is no exception. You’ll love the accuracy and reliability that TPoint™ delivers night after night. Indeed, the world’s largest professional observatories depend on TPoint Professional.

High-performance software is a pleasure to use.

TheSky Imaging performs at lightning-fast speeds due to its multi-threaded software architecture, utilization of hardware accelerated graphics, and multi-core processing. If you have experience with other sky charting (or planetarium) programs, you’ll enjoy how quickly its charts render as well as its many thoughtful features.

You can easily create custom observing lists (and even custom astronomical databases) to get the most from your time at the telescope. Print or export sky charts to share with family and friends. Its charts are so accurate and attractive that an internationally renowned astronomy magazine uses TheSky to create its observing-section charts).

TheSky Imaging includes plenty of other interesting and useful tools such as time skip simulations showing object paths, a solar and lunar eclipse viewer, a conjunction finder, a 3D solar system viewer, field of view indicators, an observing list manager, a moon phase calendar, solar system reports, an easy way to jot observing notes, and much more.

Flexibility with room for growth.

TheSky™ Imaging runs on macOS, Windows, and Linux. Change your mind later? No problem! The Multi-OS+ option lets you switch operating systems while retaining the same look and feel. You might not think you need that flexibility today, but you might treasure it in the future.

You can also later purchase the Domes option should you want that.

Optional subscription to access updates.

TheSky™ Imaging is periodically updated with new and improved features, support for new devices or device features, bug fixes, and support for multiple operating systems. We do that so you’ll have the best possible experience (see here).

Your first-year subscription is included in the price. Afterwards, you’ll have the option to renew your subscription to enjoy access to another 12 months of updates. TheSky continues to operate normally should you elect not to renew your subscription.

For a simpler overview of TheSky™ Imaging, we made one of its ads available — please click here to view it.

You also might find this review from Astronomy Now’s Nik Szymanek to be helpful. While the first part of this two-part review is free, the second part can be purchased at this link. Of course, TheSky™ Imaging has been updated and refinement since 2020 when the review was written (see here for details),

For the most detailed look at TheSky™ Imaging’s features, feel free to look at the extensive TheSky User Guide.


Cross Platform Capable

TheSky Imaging is available for macOS, Linux, and Windows
operating systems (each sold separately).

Carefully Crafted Interior and Exterior

Every feature is designed to optimize performance while emphasizing ease-of-use and aesthetics.


Pleasing Performance

Hardware acceleration ensures refresh rates are smooth and fast.

Extensive Imaging Equipment Control

Command your mount, camera, focuser, rotator, guider, filter wheel and more all from one convenient space.


Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

macOS, Windows, Linux x86_64, Linux ARM32, Linux ARM64

TheSky Imaging edition User Guide
Related Documentation

Standard Features and Sample Screens

TheSky Imaging bundle, on macOS, Windows, Linux (including x86_64, ARM64 and ARM632 architectures), is your astronomy toolkit and is loaded with features you want.

The table below lists most of the significant features.  In addition to these standard features, TheSky Imaging edition includes all the features found in the popular Cameras+ and TPoint modules.


Sample Screen


Display an Interactive

Looking up at dusk.

Looking North.

The flexible interactive Sky Chart shows you the simulated sky.

  • Input any date from 4,712
    B.C. to A.D. 10,000 and any time of day to show the simulated
    star chart for your location.

  • Click the North,
    South, East, West or Look Up
    buttons to orient the chart
    as it would appear from your backyard.

  • Change the magnification to
    show any field of view, from 235°
    down to 30 arc seconds across.

Databases of Celestial Objects
and Photos

Large databases of pictures and

Photos tab

TheSky is packed with information on millions of objects and thousands of fascinating astronomical photographs.

View and find the planets, dwarf planets, the Moon, comets, asteroids, satellites, and thousands of the most popular non-stellar objects from the Messier, NGC and IC catalogs and approximately 1 million stars from the Hipparcos-Tycho star catalog (complete to about 12th magnitude).

Databases of Objects and Photos

Solar System

  • Sun
  • Mercury
  • Venus
  • Earth (in 3D Solar System)
  • Earth’s Moon
  • The Moon
  • Mars
  • Mars’ Moons
  • Io
  • Europa
  • Ganamede
  • Callisto
  • Jupiter
  • Jupiter’s Moons
  • Saturn
  • Uranus
  • Neptune
  • Pluto
  • Comets (up
    to 1100 at a time)
  • Asteroids (just shy of 1 million)
  • Satellites (up to 10,000)

Non-Stellar Objects

  • 7,431 objects from the New General Catalog (NGC)
  • Index Catalog (IC)


Optional support for:

  • The complete UCAC4
    star catalog.
  • The complete NOMAD
    (80 GB) star catalog.

TheSkyX also includes:

  • Over 13,000 images from the
    NGC and IC Catalogs.

  • Photos of every object in
    the Messier catalog.

  • Photos of solar system objects,
    including images from the Mars Rover and other space missions.

  • Over 1000 high-resolution
    photographs of the moon.

What’s Up Tonight

Up? Report


chart showing the location of Saturn tonight.

The simplified observing list includes a What’s Up? query that lets
you specify the viewing time, your optical aid (naked eye, binocular,
or small telescope) and which objects you’re interested in seeing
tonight; TheSkyX’s What Up? command generates a report for you, complete with fascinating descriptions about many deep-space objects, sample photographs of the object (when available), and Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) diagrams for stars.

You can scroll through each object in the report and watch the Sky Chart update to show you exactly where to look for the object.

Create and Show Field of View Indicators (FOVIs)

around the Horsehead nebula

Choose your equipment from a database of hundreds of telescopes, eyepieces and cameras or define your own, then show an overlay on the Sky Chart.

and Watch Iridium Flares

Flare Report

Predict and watch simulated Iridium Flares directly from TheSky.

Animated Tours

showing the Sun’s analemma

TheSky includes animated tours that you can watch, learn, or show others basic astronomy concepts.

Supplied Tours include:

  • Sun’s Analemma

  • Angular Size of Mars

  • Equatorial Coordinates

  • Horizon Coordinates

  • Mercury Evening

  • Mercury Morning

  • Moon Cycle – Size and Phase

  • Motion of Barnard’s Star

  • 24-Hour Motion of Saturn’s Moons

  • Rotation and Phase of Mercury 2008

  • Rotation and Phase of Venus 2008

  • 10-yeaar View of Saturn from Earth

  • Venus and Mercury Annual Paths

  • What was that? Iridium Flare Sample

  • Winter Constellations

Tabbed/Dockable/Floating Windows

Tabbed windows on the Sky Chart.

By default, commonly used features can be accessed by clicking the
appropriate tab on the left side of the Sky Chart.

List of the standard docking windows:

Tours window – Watch animations related to many interesting astronomical concepts.

Find window – Easily locate any object by name, catalog number and many other designations.

Chart Elements window – Lets you turn on and off, or filter by
upper and lower magnitude or angular size, elements on the Sky
Chart, including:

    • Non-stellar objects (Type C, elliptical, lenticular, spiral, irregular galaxies and clusters of galaxies; bright, dark and planetary nebulas; open and globular clusters and clusters plus nebulosity; probable NGC stars, other NGC objects)

    • Solar system objects (the Moon, planets, small solar system objects including Pluto, comets and asteroids, the Sun, and planets’ moons) and satellites.

    • Stellar objects (stars, double stars, suspected variables and variables).

    • Date & Time window – Includes controls to specify the current date and time, including a calendar control showing the phases of the moon, a context menu button to set specific times (now, sunrise, noon, sunset, midnight, morning, new moon, first quarter, last quarter, full moon, moonrise, moonset, vernal (spring) equinox, summer solstice, autumnal equinox, winter solstice or any Julian date), advance/retreat time controls and more.

Labels window – Turn on and off the names of objects, including:

  • asterisms
  • asteroids
  • comets
  • common non-stellar
  • direction markers
  • Messier objects
  • meteor shower
  • planets, dwarf
    planets, the moon, planets’ moons, and the sun
  • stars, including the Bayer designation, Flamsteed designation, and common names

window – Show color or black and white photographs for thousands of deep-sky objects.

Each tab represents a separate window that can be moved and sized to your liking.

Find Objects


A list of common names that match the letters you type appears automatically.

Advanced tab

All object in TheSky’s
databases can be found in the Advanced list.

The friendly, powerful Find command lets you easily locate any object in TheSkyX’s astronomical databases.All objects in the databases are listed in a “tree list” and sorted by type (star, double star, galaxy, cluster, etc.). Just double-click on the name to find it, or specific classification,

Finding Stars by:

    • Common name (a list of common names that match the
      letters you type appears automatically)
    • Bayer designation
    • Flamsteed designation
    • General Catalog of Variable Star (GCVS) designation
    • Non-stellar variable star (NSV) designation
    • Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) Catalog
    • Struve designation
    • Washington Catalog of Double Star designation

Finding Non-stellar objects by:

    • Caldwell number
    • Common name
    • Herschel number
    • Index Catalog number (IC)
    • Lorenzin Catalog number
    • New General Catalog (NGC/IC Project) number
    • Principle Galaxy Catalog number (PGC)
    • Principle Galaxy Catalog cross-reference number
    • Zwicky designation
    • Arakelian Catalog of Galaxies designation
    • Catalog of Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies (CGCG)
    • David Dunlop Observatory Catalog of Galaxies designation
    • Fairall Catalog of Galaxies  designation
    • Karachentseva Catalog of Galaxies designation
    • Kazaryan UV Galaxies designation
    • Kiso UV Galaxies designation
    • Second Byurakay Survey designation
    • Tololo Galaxies designation
    • Uppsala General Catalog of Galaxies (UGC)designation
    • University of Michigan Catalog of Galaxies designation
    • Virgo Cluster Catalog of Galaxies designation
    • Weinberger Catalog of Galaxies designation
    • Planetary Nebula designation (PLN)
    • Saguaro Astronomy Club Deep-Space Object catalog

Finding Solar System Objects:

    • Comet’s by name
    • Asteriod by name or number
    • Moon
    • Satellites
    • Sun
    • Mercury
    • Venus
    • Mars
    • Jupiter
    • Saturn
    • Uranus
    • Jupiter
    • Saturn
    • Uranus
    • Neptune
    • Pluto

Finding the Constellations by:

  • Common name
  • Abbreviation

Find 70 Common Asterisms

The object’s name appear in green letter if it’s currently above the horizon, or in black italicized letters when it’s below the horizon.

Get Detailed Information on Celestial

Information reports are configurable to show as much, or as little
information as you need.

Click on any object, or use the Find command to show extensive information on celestial objects, including:

    • Object type (star, cluster, galaxy, nebula, etc.)
    • Right ascension and declination coordinates (current)
    • Right ascension and declination coordinates (Epoch
    • Altitude and azimuth coordinates
    • Object magnitude*
    • Common name*
    • Catalog number (including cross references to other
      catalogs), for example M42 or NGC 1976v.*
    • Description of the object*
    • Visual magnitude*
    • B magnitude*
    • V magnitude *
    • Parallax*
    • Proper motion*
    • Sidereal time
    • Distance from Earth (in light years or parsecs)*
    • Rise, transit, set times
    • The constellation to which the object belongs
    • Equatorial and horizon-based coordinates
    • Other object and catalog specific data
    • Position angle (as measured from the celestial pole)
      from the previously identified object
    • Phase or percent illumination*
    • Air mass

*Not all databases, or objects from  a particular database used by TheSky have information about every parameter listed above. For example, most astronomical catalogs do not include the objects’ distance to Earth.

Sample Object Information

The table below lists the typical information displayed for
different classifications of objects.

Object Type Information
Stars Polaris
SAO 308
GSC 4628:237, HIP 11767, PPM 431, HD 8890, B+88 8
Flamsteed-Bayer: 1-Alpha Ursae Minoris
Spectral: F7:Ib-IIv SB** Data from Hipparcos Catalog****Proper motion (mas/yr): RA = 44.22, Dec = -11.74
Magnitudes Bt: 2.756, Vt: 2.067
Parallax: 7.560 mas, 132.2751 pc
Distance: 431.42 light-years, 27283753.74 astronomical units
Magnitude: 1.97
RA: 02h 34m 10.632s Dec: +89°15’58.530″
RA: 02h 31m 49.084s Dec: +89°15’50.794″ (Epoch 2000)
Azm: 359°35’34” Alt: +39°05’34”
Always above horizon. Transit: 05:40
Hour angle: 10h 16m 39.2s Air mass: 1.59
Position error: 0.60 mas
Deep-space objects Great Nebula in Orion
Orion Nebula
NGC 1976
Other description: Nebula.
Constellation: Ori
Dreyer description: A magnificent (or otherwise interesting)
object! Theta1 Ori and the great nebula; = M42.
Magnitude: 4.0
RA: 05h 35m 27.3s Dec: -05°26’49”
RA: 05h 35m 24.0s Dec: -05°27’00” (Epoch 2000)
Azm: 279°11’58” Alt: -19°16’00”
Rise: 02:56 Transit: 08:40 Set: 14:24
Hour angle: 07h 22m 24.6s
From Polaris:
Angular separation: 94°56’15”
Position angle: +134°09′
Comets, Minor Planets, and Satellites Satellite: OKEAN 3 (#21397U)
Latitude: 61°15’15” Longitude: 98°01’11”
Height: 633.92
Range: 2623.0 Range Rate: 6.8134.
Phase angle: 68.4
Rates ra: 110.0274 dec:-223.6962 (arcsecs/sec)
RA: 23h 47m 16.6s Dec: +52°14’26”
RA: 23h 47m 11.7s Dec: +52°13’53” (Epoch 2000)
Azm: 09°18’05” Alt: +02°56’44”
Rise: 00:00 Transit: 00:00 Set: 00:00
Hour angle: -10h 58m 58.2s Air mass: 15.25
From Eltanin:
Angular separation: 50°38’20”
Position angle: +52°20′
Planets, Sun and the Moon Get real-time information about the Sun, Moon and all the planets…

Rise: 2:14 AM on 8/20/2001
Transit: 9:39 AM on 8/20/2001
Set: 5:04 PM on 8/20/2001
RA: 06h 34m 48.4s Dec: +22°58’12”
Azm: 291°37’52” Alt: +10°00’36” (with refraction:
Phase: 99.426%, Apparent magnitude: -2.06
Heliocentric ecliptical coordinates:
l: 89°19’16.1″ b: -00°15’12.1″ r: 5.122584
Geometric geocentric ecliptical coordinates:
l: +98°01’05” b: -00°13’37” r: 5.715020
Mean geometric ecliptical coordinates:
l: +98°00’56” b: -00°13’38” r: 5.714970
True equatorial coordinates: RA: 06h 34m 49s Dec: +22°58’13”
Physical Data
DE: 2.15°, DS: 2.32°, Position angle: 4.57°.
Longitude of central meridian:
System I: 72.28°, System II: 170.48°
Correction for phase: 0.33
Apparent equatorial diameter: 34.4
Apparent polar diameter: 32.2Rates RA: 0.0083 Dec: -0.0004 (arcsecs/sec)


Select Different Photographs for the
Panoramic Horizon

Bisque Observatory

Mexico Skies


Choose from several supplied custom panoramic horizons, including:

  • Cayman Island scene
  • Desert scene
  • Forest scene
  • Grand Mesa, Colorado
  • Ice Lake, Michigan
  • Mountain scene
  • Mt. Wilson Institute Observatory
  • New Mexico Skies
  • Software Bisque Observatory
  • Very Large Array
  • Winter Star Party
Quickly Set Chart Options with Chart

Elements tab.

Turning on and off individual, selected or all object classifications or “chart elements” is easy with the Chart Elements window.

Show Reference Lines and Photos

Reference Lines and Reference Photos

Show the following reference lines and reference photos.

Constellation Figures from:

  • Astronomy Magazine
  • H.A. Rey
  • Patrick Moore
  • Sky & Telescope Magazine
  • TheSky/Software Bisque
  • Will Tirion
  • Milky Way Galaxy (Isophotes,Black & white photo,Full color photo)
  • Constellation Boundaries
  • 70 popular Asterisms
  • Ecliptic line
  • Equatorial Grid lines
  • Galactic Equator
  • Horizon Grid lines
  • Meridian
  • Celestial North/South Arrow
Show Object Names (Object Labels)

Object Name Labels

TheSky can show the names and labels for the following:

  • Asterisms
  • Asteroids
  • Comets
  • Common Non-stellar Objects
  • Constellations
  • Direction Markers (NSEW)
  • Messier Objects
  • Meteor Shower Radiants
  • Planets, Dwarf Planets, Moons,
  • Satellites
  • Star Labels (Bayer Designation, Common Star Names, Flamsteed
Configure Appearance of Stars

star field

Options window

Adjust the appearance of the stars by:

  • Brightness
  • Contrast
  • Star gradient
  • Star density
  • Size of surrounding halo
  • Spectral color or custom fill
  • Spectral color saturation
Customize Tool bars to Access Commands
You Want

tool bar

tool bar

bars positioned around the Star Chart

Six standard tool bars contain buttons to access many frequently used commands.

You can also add your own custom tool bars for the commands you
use most.  The size of the buttons on the tool bars are configurable, as well as the content of the buttons (show
a graph, or text or both on the button).

The position of the tool bars can be customized.  Show them as floating windows, or drag and drop them anywhere along the edges Star Chart window.

Chart Status window

Chart Status window with configurable report

The Chart Status window shows a continuously updated information about the current chart. Choose from the following list of status report options:

  • Date
  • Time
  • Julian Date
  • Universal Time (UT)
  • Local Sidereal Time (LST)
  • Location Description
  • Latitude
  • Longitude
  • Time Zone
  • Elevation
  • Screen Center Right
    Ascension (RA)
  • Screen Center Declination (Dec)
  • Screen Center Right
    Azimuth (Az)
  • Screen Center Altitude (Alt)
  • Screen Field Width
  • Screen Rotation
  • Cursor X position
  • Cursor Y position
  • Cusor Constellation
  • Cursor Right Ascension/Declination (RA/Dec)
  • Cursor Azimuth/Altitude
Show/Hide Scroll Bars

Chart with optional scroll bars turned on

Show or hide horizontal and vertical scroll bars for easy chart navigation.

Look North, South, East, West or Up

Never get lost in space!

Automatically adjust the star chart for your location to look North, South, East, West or straight up (at the Zenith).

Zoom Box

Zoom Box

Click and drag the “zoom box” on the chart to magnify (or
zoom in) to this region.  The size (or field width) and the
angular separation between the corners of the zoom box is shown.

Zoom to Pre-defined Fields of View

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Consider adding these optional modules for even greater functionality.