Forums Knowledge Base Knowledge Base Articles 287 – APPLICATION DISPLAYS ERRONEOUS MESSAGES

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      Software Bisque Knowledge Base Article – 287



      When using a Software Bisque application, the text that appears in certain windows is incorrect. For example, when exiting an application, the message: ??????????? appears with Yes, No, Cancel buttons.


      A “mis-behaved” Windows application (**not a Software Bisque product**) has improperly installed a file named “MFC42LOC.dll” in the Windows/System folder (or Windows folder) on your computer. This file attempts to use a different language to load the resources for TheSky (and all other Software Bisque applications). Hence the problem with the dialog boxes.  

      Under English Locales, delete the file MFC42LOC.dll from the C:/Windows/System folder. This file should never be installed on English systems.

      From Microsoft Technical Support:

      If you choose to localize your application’s use of the MFC resources by installing an MFC 4.2 localization DLL, you must follow the instructions in this section. Like other shared DLLs, an MFC localization DLL should be installed only if its version is newer than the version that is already installed; therefore, installing this DLL is similar to installing the other DLL(s). See the section “Version Checking of Redistributable Files” earlier in this article.

      There are several MFC DLLs supplied for various locales. For example, Mfc42deu.dll is the German version and contains version information that identifies it as German locale. If you install any locale DLL, you must ensure the locale for which the DLL is intended matches the locale of the installed Windows system. When you install the DLL, you must rename it to Mfc42loc.dll.

      You should never install an Mfc42loc.dll on an English system. English resources are built into Mfc42.dll, and it is faster to load them from that DLL instead of searching (and loading) an MFC localization DLL first.



      KEYWORDS, exiting, TheSky, saving locations, message box

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