Forums Knowledge Base Knowledge Base Articles 225 – “INVALID” SERIAL NUMBER MESSAGE DURING INSTALLATION

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      Software Bisque Knowledge Base Article – 225



      During installation of a Software Bisque product, the serial number provided results in “Invalid serial number” message.


      Verify the following:

      1. The format of the serial number must be entered identically as the printed serial number.
      2. The hyphens (-) must be included when entering the serial number.
      3. The serial number must match the format below:


      Specifically, the serial number begins with four numbers or letters from the English alphabet, followed by the hyphen character, followed by eight numbers or letters from the English alphabet.

      When entering your serial number:

      • Make sure to type the number zero (0) and not the letter capital “O” when the serial number contains this character.
      • Capatalization is not necessary.
      • Where requested, your given name (not your sign in name or alias) and a valid serial number must be entered.

      Legacy Software Bisque Serial Number Formats:

      • AA-####-#### (Old format: two characters, hyphen, four numbers, hyphen, four numbers.)
      • AAA-####-##### (Old format: two characters, hyphen, four numbers, hyphen, four numbers.)

      Here’s an example (invalid) serial number: D5E4-A1B3C039

      For the above serial number, you would type the following underlined characters into the Serial Number text box:

      Delta, Five (5), Echo, Four (4), hyphen (), Alpha, One (1), Bravo, Three (3), Charlie, Zero (0), Three (3), Nine (9)


      TheSky (all editions), Cameras+ module, Domes module, TPoint module activation.



      This article was formerly published under the identifier Q449KB in Software Bisque’s prior knowledge base.

      • This topic was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by Daniel R. Bisque.
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