Forums Knowledge Base Knowledge Base Articles 151 – REALSKYVIEW CAN’T FIND DSS HEADERS

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  • #88079


      Software Bisque Knowledge Base Article – 151



      When retrieving a target under RealSkyView, error message displayed:

      “Cannot find DSS Header files” (approximate wording)


      The DSS headers path is automatically set at installation time of the DSS viewing application (RealSkyView or CCDSoft). If the application is unable to access the DSS headers path, then it is incorrectly specified in the DSS, Setup dialog. This would normally only occur if the header files have been moved, or the user has incorrectly changed the path definition.

      Here are two solutions:

      1. Correct the path name entered in the Setup command under the DSS menu. Make sure it does NOT include a file name.
      Macintosh users – The DSS Headers path must be the location of the Headers folder on the Hard Disk. Navigate to the Headers folder, highlight it, then click File, Get Info. The text following “Where” should be entered in the Headers Path text box.


      2. Re-install the application. You should first uninstall the current copy, then delete the remaining folder (e.g. ../Program Files/Software Bisque/RealSky). When installed again, the application should automatically be configured with the correct Headers path.

      1. The header setup described for Windows in the RealSky CD Guide is not accurate for Windows 95/98/NT. Under these 32-bit versions of Windows, the header file is normally found in the
      C:/Program Files/Software Bisque/RealSky/Headers
      folder. This information is set properly by the installation program, and should only need to be changed if the user has altered it.

      2. RealSkyView v4.10.000 (included with the RealSky CD South edition, and available as a free update at our web site) uses a browse technique to permit the user to navigate his drives to locate the proper header location. Because the path is not directly editable, there is no longer the possibility of a problem due to a typing error.





      This article was formerly published under the identifier Q315KB in Software Bisque’s prior knowledge base.

      Last Reviewed: 11/24/2004

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