Forums Knowledge Base Knowledge Base Articles 1101 – MODIFYING DISPLAY PROPERTIES FOR OBJECTS IN THESKY6

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      Software Bisque Knowledge Base Article – 1101



      How do you change the display properties (font, fill color, line style or symbol) of an Object Type (such as elliptical galaxy, open cluster, bright nebula, etc.)?


      To change the display properties (font, fill color, line, or symbol) of an Object Type on the Virtual Sky:

      1. Click View | Display Explorer.
      2. Navigate to the desired object type to modify its properties.
      3. Click the Display Properties icon.
      4. Click the desired display property button to modify its properties and then click OK.


      1. Right-click on the object.
      2. Click Display Properties of ‘Object Type’.
      3. Click the desired Display Property button to modify its properties and then click OK.

      To change the properties of a font in Chart Mode or on a printed chart:

      1. Click View | Chart Mode to turn on the star chart mode.
      2. Click View | Display Explorer.
      3. Navigate to the desired object type to modify its properties.
      4. Click the Display Properties icon.
      5. Click the desired display property button to modify its properties and then click OK.


      1. Click View | Chart Mode to turn on the star chart mode.
      2. Right-click on the object.
      3. Click Display Properties of ‘Object Type’.
      4. Click the desired display property button to modify its properties and then click OK.


      The following example demonstrates how to change the fill color for the Elliptical Galaxy Object Type on the Virtual Sky.

      1. Click View | Display Explorer.

      2. Open the Non-Stellar | Galactic | Elliptical Galaxy node.

      1. Click the icon next to the Display Properties text to display the Properties dialog box.

      1. On the Display Properties tab, click Fill to display the Color dialog box.

      1. Select the desired fill color and then click OK.

      2. Click Apply to preview the change, OK to accept the new color, or Cancel to close the dialog box without saving changes.


      TheSky6, all Editions.



      Last Reviewed: 11/24/2004

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