Horizon line data (including Horizon lines, and telescope limit lines) can be exported from TheSky version 5, and imported into TheSky6.
Exporting Horizon (or Limit) Lines from TheSky version 5:
1. From TheSky version 5, click View | Reference Lines.
2. Click Edit Local (or Edit Dec Limit or Edit Alt Limit).
3. On the Limit Lines Editor dialog box, click Copy. This copies the limit line data to the Windows Clipboard.
The limit line data can also be imported into spreadsheet or text software editor (such as Excel or Word) by clicking Edit | Paste command. Click Edit | Save to save the data in spreadsheet or text document format.
Importing Horizon (or Limit) Lines to TheSky6:
1. From TheSky6, click View | Reference Lines.
2. Click Edit Local Horizon (or Edit Declination Limit or Edit Altitude Limit).
3. On the Limit Lines Editor dialog box, click Paste. This pastes the limit line data from the Windows Clipboard.
Note: The scale of the limit line graph in TheSky6 is different than in TheSky version 5. That is, the maximum “height” of limit lines in TheSky version 5 is less than in TheSky6. So, limit line data imported into TheSky6 will appear to be “shorter” than in TheSky version 5.