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Universal Bundle

All the software you need in one convenient space.

Control your observatory with TheSky™ Universal bundle. It includes TheSky™ Professional and four of our most popular modules including TPoint™, Cameras+, Multi-OS+, and Domes modules.

The Universal bundle runs on macOS, Windows, and Linux x86_64 and ARM64-based architectures.  The software license allows you to run the software on all supported operating systems and architectures, on up to six computers per architecture.


Click the Buy Now graphic below to add this product to your cart.  After checking out, you can immediately download the full installers for all supported platforms by clicking My account, My Downloads.

Click My account, My Serial Numbers to view your Universal bundle serial number.  This single serial number activates TheSky and all optional modules on every operating system.

Optional $200.00 each following year for the subscription benefits

Visit TheSky Change Log page for a list of all the improvements, changes and fixes in each release.

If your software subscription is active, download the latest TheSky Professional update by logging in and visiting My account, My Downloads, then downloading and running the update installer.


Universal Bundle

The Universal bundle provides downloadable access to the following products:

  • TheSky™ Professional for macOS 1
  • TheSky™ Professional for Windows 1
  • TheSky™ Professional for Linux x86_64 1
  • TheSky™ Professional for Linux ARM64 (Raspberry Pi Model 5 and later, Odroid, Orange Pi or other single-board computers) 1
  • TPoint™ module 2
  • Domes module 2
  • TheSky™ Cameras+ module 2
  • TheSky™ Multi-OS+ module (single user only) 2

Additional Universal Bundle Benefits

  • A single TheSky™ Universal serial number can be used to activate all of the above products and software modules on all supported operating systems.
  • Installers for all supported operating systems, including macOS, Windows, and Linux running on ARM64- and x86_64-based computers.
  • Software can be installed on up to six different computers.

1Software installers can be downloaded from your account by logging in and clicking My account, My Downloads.  The installers are not distributed on physical media.

2Modules are automatically activated from TheSky™ Professional using the Universal bundle serial number.  Your registered serial numbers can be viewed by clicking My account, My Serial Numbers.

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